
> Do You know ANY (mature) RDBMS which is: provides many connection at the
> same time, transaction-less and is still popular? I don't know any (even
> SQLite has transactions). And now, somebody (not meaning You) want to
> convince me that transactions are not needed. At least there strange silent
> that Neo4j has full transactions (not "batch mode") ONLY in embedded mode
> and in embedded mode there is allowed only 1 connection. 

Neo4j has transactions in both server and embedded mode. As Michael points out, 
if the default REST API behaviour isn't what you need out of the box, you can 
readily extend it.

When you embed Neo4j in your code, then it supports as many connections as your 
code does. Neo4j is fully thread safe.

If you think this isn't clear, could you help by pointing out weaknesses in the 
documentation - that way we can fix them and other users in future won't be 
inconvenienced in the same way.



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