Check for Marathon
On 07 Oct 2015, at 09:56, Brian Candler 
<<>> wrote:

Are there any open-source job queue/batch systems which run under Mesos? I am 
thinking of things like HTCondor, Torque etc.

The requirement is to be able to:
- define an overall job as a set of sub-tasks (could be many thousands)
- put sub-tasks into a queue; execute tasks from the queue
- dependencies: don't add a sub-task into the queue until its precursors have 
completed successfully
- restart: after an error, be able to restart the job but skipping those 
sub-tasks which completed successfully
- preferably handle short-lived tasks efficiently (of order of 10 seconds 

Clearly it's possible to write a framework to do this, but I don't want to 
re-invent the wheel if it has been done already.



P.S. I found Chronos, but it doesn't seem a good match. As far as I can see, 
it's intended for applications where you pre-define a bunch of tasks (via GUI? 
via REST?) and then trigger them periodically.

Nikolaos Ballas  |  Software Development Manager

Technology Nexus S.a.r.l.
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