Maybe you need to read a bit  :) Hadoop/Spark are batch processing frameworks, 
both can run on top of Mesos. If you want to do online processing the you have 
the Apache Storm child. On the other hand super computer != distributed 
computing. You referred to croons and I thought you were asking for a 
scheduler. You need to read maybe a bit to understand the technology stack, 
cause the answers to your question are rather obvious for a guy with ds 
background, even basic, following the market. Jobs can be either executed with 
Hadoop executors or delegate jobs to processes configured in docker containers 
that mess can bootstrap.

kind regards

On 07 Oct 2015, at 10:37, Brian Candler 
<<>> wrote:

On 07/10/2015 09:01, Nikolaos Ballas neXus wrote:
Check for Marathon

I don't see how Marathon does what I want. Maybe I wasn't clear enough in 
explaining my requirements.

What I need is basically a supercomputer cluster where I can take a large 
computation job, break it into lots of sub-tasks, and run as many of those 
sub-tasks in parallel as possible given the CPU resources available, until all 
the sub-tasks are done.

The core of any sort of system like that is a "job queue" where all the 
sub-tasks are entered. The executor picks out another task whenever there is 
some free resource available, and when it finishes, it is removed from the 

I don't see how Marathon has such a job queue. As far as I can tell, Marathon 
is for starting long-lived applications; you define what things you want 
running, it starts them, and restarts them if they die for any reason.

Or have I misunderstood what Marathon is capable of? If so, can you point me at 
the relevant documentation?

The advantage of running such a supercomputer cluster under Mesos would be that 
I could run *other* applications (including those started by Marathon or 
Chronos) on the same hardware.



Nikolaos Ballas  |  Software Development Manager

Technology Nexus S.a.r.l.
2-4 Rue Eugene Rupert
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