Hi Everyone

Our third Community Day for 2016 is coming up on 17th September. If you are not 
sure what our Community Days are all about then please take a look at the 
following wiki page


If you would like to participate then please start thinking about what area or 
task you'd like to work on.

Please see below for some possible focus areas for the community day.

* Continue Work on Framework Re-factor*
A lot of work has already been done, but there is a lot left to do. This could 
be a good time to see how you could help with tidying up our existing code. 
This effort really benefits OFBiz by making it easier for developers to work 
with and more efficient to run. Some of the changes needed are simple and other 
are more complex, so please take a look and choose something that you'd like to 
help with.

*Testing, Review and Committing Patches*
One area that is always important is the testing and applying of patches. Our 
Community members have continually provided patches for bugs and improvements 
but before committing thems we need to test them across the various versions to 
make sure they do what they are supposed to do.

Patches can become out of date very quickly meaning that if they are not tested 
early enough then they can miss out on being included. We have a large number 
of patches available so this could be a good opportunity for test, review and 

We know that our documentation could be a whole lot better so any contribution 
that helps us improve our current documentation is welcome.

*Jira Sprint*
As usual I will create a Jira sprint in preparation for the Community Day so 
once created please start adding your Jira tasks to it. This Jira Sprint helps 
us track and report on the work done during the Community Day so please try to 
make sure your work is included.

*HipChat Community Collaboration Room*
A HipChat room for OFBiz has been created and it has been enabled with Guest 
Access which means that anyone from the Community can join it using the link 


For our next Community Day on 17th September, I think it would be good to try 
it out to see if it it helps with collaboration.

Please add the date to your diary and let's see if we can do some work, have 
fun and enjoy working together on our Community Day.


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