"Access denied. You are not authorized to perform this action" is caused by
the fact you are trying to use same browser (different tab)
You should see "Logout" button, so you can logout as your SOAP user, who
has no admin rights ...

According to your REST calls sequence
1) why are you calling 'login' method twice?
2) to het secure hash you need to pass sid as query parameter: i.e. url:
hash seems to also be called twice, seems to be some issue with you REST
calls dump

Can you also check your logs?
Are there any errors?

On Wed, Apr 11, 2018 at 8:44 PM, Ramón Zárate Moedano <hor...@gmail.com>

> Hello everyone.
> I have being "fighting" with this and i dont know what is wrong.
> Name: OpenMeetings
> Version: 4.0.1
> Revision 3795f14
> And i am using PHP API. (https://github.com/openmeetings/openmeetings-api-
> plugin)
> I can create, edit and delete rooms. But when i try to enter one room
> front end never ends loading.
> User is created and as far as i can see user it's loged in. After trying
> to get ir the room if i try to enter OM dashboard as admin i get this error
> message.
> Access denied. You are not authorized to perform this action So this is
> the whole trace i am using (based on php api)
> getOmConfig: {"protocol":"http","host":"XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX","port":"5080"
> ,"context":"openmeetings","user":"usersoap","pass":"pass"
> ,"module":"external"}
> -------------------------
> OmGateway function login()
> response: {"message":"bd1229fd-1809-4146-8c9d-ebef572d8764","type"
> -------------------------
> Function call variables
> url: http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:5080/openmeetings/services/user/login
> Method: GET
> sid:
> Params: {"user":"usersoap","pass":"pass"}
> headers:
> wraperName: serviceResult
> -------------------------
> Rest call
> decoded: {"serviceResult":{"message":"bd1229fd-1809-4146-8c9d-
> ebef572d8764","type":"SUCCESS"}}
> wraperName: serviceResult
> decoded[wraperName]: {"message":"bd1229fd-1809-
> 4146-8c9d-ebef572d8764","type":"SUCCESS"}
> -------------------------
> OmGateway function login()
> response: {"message":"9e078944-7c43-439e-8ed0-d36ff316d885","type"
> -------------------------
> Function call variables
> url: http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:5080/openmeetings/services/user/login
> Method: GET
> sid:
> Params: {"user":"usersoap","pass":"pass"}
> headers:
> wraperName: serviceResult
> -------------------------
> Rest call
> decoded: {"serviceResult":{"message":"9e078944-7c43-439e-8ed0-
> d36ff316d885","type":"SUCCESS"}}
> wraperName: serviceResult
> decoded[wraperName]: {"message":"9e078944-7c43-
> 439e-8ed0-d36ff316d885","type":"SUCCESS"}
> -------------------------
> gateway->login: 1
> -------------------------
> get User: {"login":"rzarate","firstname":"Super
> User","lastname":"lastname","email":"ad...@localhost.com","
> externalId":"425","externalType":"external"}
> options: {"roomId":"22","moderator":true,"showAudioVideoTest":true}
> gateway->getSecureHash: 779bad90-fbc2-4ee6-9348-3afd9d2c49d3
> -------------------------
> get Secure Hash
> -------------------------
> Function call variables
> url: http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:5080/openmeetings/services/user/hash
> Method: POST
> sid: 9e078944-7c43-439e-8ed0-d36ff316d885
> Params: "user=%7B%22login%22%3A%22rzarate%22%2C%22firstname%
> 22%3A%22Super+User%22%2C%22lastname%22%3A%22lastname%
> 22%2C%22email%22%3A%22admin%40piensocial.com%22%2C%
> 22externalId%22%3A%22425%22%2C%22externalType%22%3A%
> 22joomla%22%7D&options=%7B%22roomId%22%3A%2222%22%2C%
> 22moderator%22%3Atrue%2C%22showAudioVideoTest%22%3Atrue%7D"
> headers:
> wraperName: serviceResult
> -------------------------
> Rest call
> decoded: {"serviceResult":{"message":"779bad90-fbc2-4ee6-9348-
> 3afd9d2c49d3","type":"SUCCESS"}}
> wraperName: serviceResult
> decoded[wraperName]: {"message":"779bad90-fbc2-
> 4ee6-9348-3afd9d2c49d3","type":"SUCCESS"}
> -------------------------
> url: http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:5080/openmeetings/hash?&secure=
> 779bad90-fbc2-4ee6-9348-3afd9d2c49d3&language=1
> -------------------------
> Front end url
> url: http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:5080/openmeetings/hash?&secure=
> 779bad90-fbc2-4ee6-9348-3afd9d2c49d3&language=1
> -------------------------
> I compared with moodle plugin and i just cant see what i am doing wrong.
> Thanks in advance.
> Ramón

Maxim aka solomax

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