Actually IMO second translation is better
By clicking this button moderator revokes the right to use 'feature' not
only turn it off ....

On Wed, Aug 22, 2018 at 8:05 PM Daniel Ascher <>

> Hi Maxim. Maybe I misunderstood what the second one means. If this means
> "Turn off user''s exclusive audio" that would be fine with me.
> Dan
> On Mon, Aug 20, 2018 at 11:01 PM Maxim Solodovnik <>
> wrote:
>> Hello Daniel,
>> Thanks a lot for the update
>> The only question I have is:
>> Why this 2 similar labels
>> <entry key=""><![CDATA[Deny this user to use
>> microphone]]></entry> Turn off this user's mic
>> <entry key="ulist.right.exclusive.revoke"><![CDATA[Deny this user to mute
>> others]]></entry> Remove this user's right to mute others
>> were translated so differently?
>> On Thu, Aug 16, 2018 at 4:25 AM Daniel Ascher <
>>> wrote:
>>> I have provided modified translations in English, which can be accessed
>>> in the following google spreadsheet:
>>> Let me know if you notice any problems or errors with this.
>>> Thanks! Dan
>>> On Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 7:30 AM, Peter Dähn <> wrote:
>>>> Hi Maxim,
>>>> maybe I have time in the evening, otherwise tomorrow...
>>>> Greetings Peter
>>>> Am 15.08.2018 um 12:44 schrieb Maxim Solodovnik:
>>>> Hello Peter,
>>>> please provide new translation, I believe you don't need to wait for
>>>> new English strings for this :)
>>>> On Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 5:10 PM Peter Dähn <> wrote:
>>>>> I could provide the German translation. Shall I wait till it is
>>>>> included and just provide just the changed xml?
>>>>> Greetings Peter
>>>>> Am 15.08.2018 um 09:24 schrieb Maxim Solodovnik:
>>>>> Here is the list of current labels:
>>>>> <entry key=""><![CDATA[Allow this user to use
>>>>> microphone]]></entry>
>>>>> <entry key=""><![CDATA[Deny this user to use
>>>>> microphone]]></entry>
>>>>> <entry key=""><![CDATA[I would like to use
>>>>> microphone]]></entry>
>>>>> <entry key="ulist.right.exclusive.grant"><![CDATA[Allow this user to
>>>>> mute others]]></entry>
>>>>> <entry key="ulist.right.exclusive.revoke"><![CDATA[Deny this user to
>>>>> mute others]]></entry>
>>>>> <entry key="ulist.right.exclusive.request"><![CDATA[I would like to
>>>>> get the right for exclusive audio]]></entry>
>>>>> <entry key="ulist.right.moderator.grant"><![CDATA[Grant moderator
>>>>> rights to this user]]></entry>
>>>>> <entry key="ulist.right.moderator.revoke"><![CDATA[Remove moderator
>>>>> role from this user]]></entry>
>>>>> <entry key="ulist.right.moderator.request"><![CDATA[Apply to be a
>>>>> moderator]]></entry>
>>>>> <entry key="ulist.right.presenter.grant"><![CDATA[Grant presenter
>>>>> rights to this user]]></entry>
>>>>> <entry key="ulist.right.presenter.revoke"><![CDATA[Remove presenter
>>>>> role from this user]]></entry>
>>>>> <entry key="ulist.right.presenter.request"><![CDATA[I would like to be
>>>>> presenter]]></entry>
>>>>> <entry key="ulist.right.remote.grant"><![CDATA[Allow Remote Control
>>>>> (during screen sharing)]]></entry>
>>>>> <entry key="ulist.right.remote.revoke"><![CDATA[Deny Remote Control
>>>>> (during screen sharing)]]></entry>
>>>>> <entry key="ulist.right.remote.request"><![CDATA[Apply for right to
>>>>> Remote Control Screen (during screen sharing)]]></entry>
>>>>> <entry key="ulist.right.share.grant"><![CDATA[Allow user to share
>>>>> screen/record]]></entry>
>>>>> <entry key="ulist.right.share.revoke"><![CDATA[Deny user to share
>>>>> screen/record]]></entry>
>>>>> <entry key="ulist.right.share.request"><![CDATA[I would like to
>>>>> share/record screen.]]></entry>
>>>>> <entry key=""><![CDATA[Allow this user to
>>>>> publish their audio/video]]></entry>
>>>>> <entry key=""><![CDATA[Remove audio/video of
>>>>> this user]]></entry>
>>>>> <entry key=""><![CDATA[I would like to share
>>>>> my audio/video]]></entry>
>>>>> <entry key="ulist.right.wb.grant"><![CDATA[Allow to draw on
>>>>> whiteboard]]></entry>
>>>>> <entry key="ulist.right.wb.revoke"><![CDATA[Remove ability to draw on
>>>>> whiteboard]]></entry>
>>>>> <entry key="ulist.right.wb.request"><![CDATA[I would like to draw on
>>>>> the whiteboard]]></entry>
>>>>> <entry key="activities.request.right.moderator"><![CDATA[would like to
>>>>> be moderator of this room.]]></entry>
>>>>> <entry key="activities.request.right.presenter"><![CDATA[would like to
>>>>> be presenter]]></entry>
>>>>> <entry key="activities.request.right.wb"><![CDATA[would like to draw
>>>>> on whiteboard]]></entry>
>>>>> <entry key="activities.request.right.share"><![CDATA[would like to
>>>>> share/record screen.]]></entry>
>>>>> <entry key="activities.request.right.remote"><![CDATA[would like to
>>>>> remote control screen.]]></entry>
>>>>> <entry key=""><![CDATA[would like to use
>>>>> micropone]]></entry>
>>>>> <entry key=""><![CDATA[would like to
>>>>> share his audio/video]]></entry>
>>>>> <entry key="activities.request.right.exclusive"><![CDATA[would like to
>>>>> have permission for exclusive audio.]]></entry>
>>>>> <entry key="activities.ask.question"><![CDATA[would like to ask a
>>>>> question]]></entry>
>>>>> <entry key="camera.on"><![CDATA[Turn on camera]]></entry>
>>>>> <entry key=""><![CDATA[Turn off camera]]></entry>
>>>>> <entry key="microphone.on"><![CDATA[Turn on microphone]]></entry>
>>>>> <entry key=""><![CDATA[Turn off microphone]]></entry>
>>>>> On Tue, Aug 14, 2018 at 8:25 PM Daniel Ascher <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Will do. Thanks!
>>>>>> Dan
>>>>>> On Tue, Aug 14, 2018 at 3:11 AM, Maxim Solodovnik <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Text will be enough :)
>>>>>>> On Tue, Aug 14, 2018 at 7:32 AM Daniel Ascher <
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Maxim, I will try to create a complete list of labels for all of
>>>>>>>> these. Do you need me to include the icon for each one in the list 
>>>>>>>> that I
>>>>>>>> create? Or can I just list the labels without icons?
>>>>>>>> Thanks! Dan
>>>>>>>> On Sun, Aug 12, 2018 at 10:58 PM, Maxim Solodovnik <
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hello Daniel,
>>>>>>>>> as you might notice there are 2 sets of icons in user list
>>>>>>>>> 1) own icons (always visible and BIG)
>>>>>>>>> 2) icons of other people (visible to moderators only)
>>>>>>>>> Additionally there are icons for right/permission and for action
>>>>>>>>> Rights/permissions can be:
>>>>>>>>> , moderator
>>>>>>>>> , presenter
>>>>>>>>> , whiteBoard
>>>>>>>>> , share
>>>>>>>>> , remoteControl
>>>>>>>>> , audio
>>>>>>>>> , video
>>>>>>>>> , exclusive
>>>>>>>>> User can send request for each permission (if "user questions are
>>>>>>>>> allowed")
>>>>>>>>> Moderator can grant/revoke each permission
>>>>>>>>> Actions can be:
>>>>>>>>>    camera
>>>>>>>>>    microphone
>>>>>>>>>    kick
>>>>>>>>> first 2 can be started/stopped
>>>>>>>>> These actions require labels
>>>>>>>>> According to "gear" icon, I believe there is no need to disable
>>>>>>>>> it, user can set up devices (get prepared for the conference any time 
>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>> any level of permissions ....)
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 12:07 AM Daniel Ascher <
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Maxim. Are these just for the webcam and mic, or are there other
>>>>>>>>>> icons that need labels as well? I can provide the language for the
>>>>>>>>>> different icons if I know which ones you need changes to.
>>>>>>>>>> For the webcam and mic icons:
>>>>>>>>>>  Turn on camera
>>>>>>>>>>  Turn off camera
>>>>>>>>>>  Turn on mic
>>>>>>>>>>  Turn off mic
>>>>>>>>>> I have one other suggestion for camera and mic:
>>>>>>>>>>  If a user DOES NOT have permission to share webcam or audio can
>>>>>>>>>> this icon be grayed out? Or can different hover text be shown in that
>>>>>>>>>> situation (see below) such as "Webcam and mic settings not available
>>>>>>>>>> without permission," or "You must request webcam or mic permission"
>>>>>>>>>> Permissions:
>>>>>>>>>> In general I think most of the permission messages are already
>>>>>>>>>> good. For permission requests I would slightly adjust the language 
>>>>>>>>>> in the
>>>>>>>>>> English version to be:
>>>>>>>>>> 1) Ask for permission for  -- Change to "Request permission
>>>>>>>>>> to........."
>>>>>>>>>> 2) Give permission for -- Change to "Accept request to........."
>>>>>>>>>> 3) Remove permission for -- Change to "Remove permission
>>>>>>>>>> to........"
>>>>>>>>>> Examples:
>>>>>>>>>>  1. Request permission to be presenter
>>>>>>>>>>            2. Accept request to present
>>>>>>>>>>            3. Remove permission to present
>>>>>>>>>>  Request permission to share my webcam
>>>>>>>>>> When the moderator allows a participant to have permission
>>>>>>>>>> (without a request from the user), I would use the "Allow" language. 
>>>>>>>>>> So
>>>>>>>>>> 1. Allow this user to publish their audio/video -- Change to
>>>>>>>>>> "Allow user to share webcam"
>>>>>>>>>> 2. Allow this user to publish their audio -- Change to "Allow
>>>>>>>>>> user to use mic"
>>>>>>>>>> 3. Would like to have right to be presenter in the room -- Change
>>>>>>>>>> to "Allow user to be presenter"
>>>>>>>>>> 4. Would like to draw on whiteboard -- Change to "Allow user to
>>>>>>>>>> draw"
>>>>>>>>>> 5. Allow user to share screen/record -- No change
>>>>>>>>>> 6. Allow remote control (during screen sharing) -- No change
>>>>>>>>>> 7. I would like to get the right for exclusive audio -- Change to
>>>>>>>>>> "Allow exclusive audio"
>>>>>>>>>> 8. Grant moderator rights to this user --"Allow user to have
>>>>>>>>>> moderator rights"
>>>>>>>>>> Please let me know if this is helpful and if there are other
>>>>>>>>>> icons you need suggestions for.
>>>>>>>>>> Dan
>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Aug 12, 2018 at 5:48 AM, Maxim Solodovnik <
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Sure we can change the labels
>>>>>>>>>>> For every icon we need several labels:
>>>>>>>>>>> 1) Ask for permission for
>>>>>>>>>>> 2) Give permission for
>>>>>>>>>>> 3) Remove permission for
>>>>>>>>>>> For some of them
>>>>>>>>>>> 4) Turn on
>>>>>>>>>>> 5) Turn off
>>>>>>>>>>> I would appreciate if you can provide good text
>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Aug 11, 2018 at 9:13 PM Daniel Ascher <
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi all.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I recently learned about a new system similar to OM that is not
>>>>>>>>>>>> open-source but is currently free to use. In the future they will 
>>>>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>>>> charging for it's use.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I am sharing this information here because they have many of
>>>>>>>>>>>> the same features as OM but they also have a few additional 
>>>>>>>>>>>> features that
>>>>>>>>>>>> might be useful to have in OM, if possible. So take a look if you 
>>>>>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>>>>> interested. Go to to see it. It's very similar to
>>>>>>>>>>>> OM but it has a more modern look. It's also a simpler system which 
>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>> basically only designed for one purpose (tutoring) so it has many 
>>>>>>>>>>>> fewer
>>>>>>>>>>>> features (no calendar for example).
>>>>>>>>>>>> One nice feature is that you can add an image from your mobile
>>>>>>>>>>>> phone by texting it. Here is the screenshot of how that works. It 
>>>>>>>>>>>> just
>>>>>>>>>>>> simplifies things for someone who wants to take a photo with a 
>>>>>>>>>>>> phone during
>>>>>>>>>>>> a session and upload it to the whiteboard easily.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Also, I think the instructions for turning on your webcam and
>>>>>>>>>>>> mic are clearer in their system. I you hover over the webcam icon 
>>>>>>>>>>>> you see
>>>>>>>>>>>> text that says "turn on my camera" which is *not confusing*.
>>>>>>>>>>>> And if the camera is on and you hover, the message says "turn off 
>>>>>>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>>>>>>> camera." In OM it says "you are allowed to share your 
>>>>>>>>>>>> audio/video." Maybe
>>>>>>>>>>>> we can change the language to make it easier to understand. I know 
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> icons change (adds an "x" if the camera on mic is on) but it's not
>>>>>>>>>>>> intuitive and confuses users.
>>>>>>>>>>>> If anyone else has a chance to look at maybe you
>>>>>>>>>>>> see other things that would be good ideas for OM. Note that 
>>>>>>>>>>>> goboard is
>>>>>>>>>>>> using WebRTC, which OM doesn't have yet, and we are therefore 
>>>>>>>>>>>> still stuck
>>>>>>>>>>>> with the limitations of using flash and I know that makes things 
>>>>>>>>>>>> different
>>>>>>>>>>>> in terms of what we are able to do at the moment.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Best.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Dan
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> Daniel Ascher, M.Ed.
>>>>>>>>>>>> President
>>>>>>>>>>>> A+ Test Prep and Tutoring
>>>>>>>>>>>> "Creating Bright Futures"
>>>>>>>>>>>> 505 York Road, Suite 6
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>> Jenkintown, PA 19046
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>> Office:
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>> 215
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>> .886.9188
>>>>>>>>>>>> Direct: 267.242.9640
>>>>>>>>>>>> Click here to schedule a phone call with me.
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Up for A+ News and Test Prep Tips!
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> WBR
>>>>>>>>>>> Maxim aka solomax
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Daniel Ascher, M.Ed.
>>>>>>>>>> President
>>>>>>>>>> A+ Test Prep and Tutoring
>>>>>>>>>> "Creating Bright Futures"
>>>>>>>>>> 505 York Road, Suite 6
>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>> Jenkintown, PA 19046
>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>> Office:
>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>> 215
>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>> .886.9188
>>>>>>>>>> Direct: 267.242.9640
>>>>>>>>>> Click here to schedule a phone call with me.
>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>> Sign Up for A+ News and Test Prep Tips!
>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> WBR
>>>>>>>>> Maxim aka solomax
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Daniel Ascher, M.Ed.
>>>>>>>> President
>>>>>>>> A+ Test Prep and Tutoring
>>>>>>>> "Creating Bright Futures"
>>>>>>>> 505 York Road, Suite 6
>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>> Jenkintown, PA 19046
>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>> Office:
>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>> 215
>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>> .886.9188
>>>>>>>> Direct: 267.242.9640
>>>>>>>> Click here to schedule a phone call with me.
>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>> Sign Up for A+ News and Test Prep Tips!
>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> WBR
>>>>>>> Maxim aka solomax
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Daniel Ascher, M.Ed.
>>>>>> President
>>>>>> A+ Test Prep and Tutoring
>>>>>> "Creating Bright Futures"
>>>>>> 505 York Road, Suite 6
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> Jenkintown, PA 19046
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> Office:
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> 215
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> .886.9188
>>>>>> Direct: 267.242.9640
>>>>>> Click here to schedule a phone call with me.
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> Sign Up for A+ News and Test Prep Tips!
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> <>
>>>>> --
>>>>> WBR
>>>>> Maxim aka solomax
>>>> --
>>>> WBR
>>>> Maxim aka solomax
>>> --
>>> Daniel Ascher, M.Ed.
>>> President
>>> A+ Test Prep and Tutoring
>>> "Creating Bright Futures"
>>> 505 York Road, Suite 6
>>> Jenkintown, PA 19046
>>> Office: 215.886.9188
>>> Direct: 267.242.9640
>>> Click here to schedule a phone call with me.
>>> <>
>>> Sign Up for A+ News and Test Prep Tips!
>>> <>
>>> <>
>> --
>> WBR
>> Maxim aka solomax
> --
> Daniel Ascher, M.Ed.
> President
> A+ Test Prep and Tutoring
> "Creating Bright Futures"
> 505 York Road, Suite 6
> Jenkintown, PA 19046
> Office: 215.886.9188
> Direct: 267.242.9640
> Click here to schedule a phone call with me.
> <>
> Sign Up for A+ News and Test Prep Tips!
> <>
> <>

Maxim aka solomax

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