
As you can probably already presume, these command lines are quite magic for 
me. No idea of how they work, neither what their utility is... But I trust in 
the fact that most of you understand!

xavier@sd-118950:~$ ps -ef|grep java
root      1060     1  0 juil.05 ?      00:09:28 /usr/bin/java 
-Dignore.endorsed.dirs= -classpath 
-Dcatalina.base=/opt/open500 -Dcatalina.home=/opt/open500 
-Djava.io.tmpdir=/opt/open500/temp org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap -u 
nobody -Dcatalina.base start
xavier   11265 11246  0 14:54 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto java
xavier@sd-118950:~$ netstat -an|grep 5443

Please note that the second command does not give any result (that's the same 
with "sudo"). At the time being, I commented the "LISTEN" command in 
ports.conf, since Maxim thought that they made no sense here.


Le 06/07/2019 à 04:06, Maxim Solodovnik a écrit :
Please check OM is running: `ps -ef|grep java` and necessary ports are being 
LISTEN `netstat -an|grep 5443`

The result of the last command should be something like

tcp6       0      0 :::5443                 :::*                    LISTEN

On Fri, 5 Jul 2019 at 22:21, Xavier M 
<xa...@hotmail.com<mailto:xa...@hotmail.com>> wrote:
Atomic steps sounds fine... Except if it is a nuclear bomb!

In my case, I'd like as first step to understand why I can not connect anymore 
to "https://domain.eu:5443/openmeetings"; (while I could connect to 
"https://domain.eu<https://domain.eu:5443/openmeetings>") - 
domain.eu<http://domain.eu> was a generic name in my explanation - since I 
followed the steps given yesterday. Nota Bene: it works again when I modify 
/etc/apache2/ports.conf to add "Listen 5443" and "Listen 8888", but I got the 

Assume that I go back to the previous problem, that is I can connect, but with 
a warning "self made certificate", or whatever the correct name... Then I have 
to understand what Aaron means by "Proxy through Apache, or configure your OM 
instance to be able to read where the keys are" and what are pros and cons. 
Aaron suggested me to "proxy", but actually I do not know how one does this.

Thanks all of you for your help,

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