Hello All,

here [1] you can find tutorials for installing both OM 4.0.10 and 5.0.0-M3
for various OSes

5.0.0-M3 based on WebRTC and requires ports 5443 and 8888 to be opened
(TURN server might be required to be able to serve users behind FW/NAT)
To minimize installation steps you can use `dockerized` OM [2] (it has own
pros and cons)

Feel free to ask additional questions if any :)))

[2] https://github.com/openmeetings/openmeetings-docker

On Tue, 24 Mar 2020 at 04:47, Fabio Ricci <fabio.fr.ri...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Oui suis italien ;)  merci beaucoup et bon courage de mémé a toi aussi!
> I am not using OM and I find it technical but affordable - not really that
> easy to use … but very interesting. Probably you have to wait a little
> until the WebRTC hooks will be tested for Ubuntu18. The older OM (see
> below) functions well and uses Flash. What I mean about “friends”? Some
> robots or unkonwn people which connected to my OM server… I turned it off
> since I do not need this.
> I am an external teacher for Switzerland - using there Adobe-Connect and
> Webex.
> So for your security concerns - what are the concerns using JITSI? use
> passwords and you protect the virtual room.
> You can concact me at fabio.fr.ri...@gmail.com directly in case you have
> questions (I can answer) regarding other than OM.
> Regards
> Fabio
> On 23 Mar 2020, at 22:17, BELLE Pou <courriel.poubell...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I don't know Jitsi well enough. I have rules to respect, as I'm in charge
> of pupils under 18. If I run the server myself, everything will be fine -
> as long as no friend from the east get himself self-invited😉.
> What do you think about "your" friends ? Do they use an exploit against
> the version of OM you use ?
> Thx. And you seem Italian, are you ? I'm French : bon courage et merci
> pour les alertes😓.
> CP
> Le lun. 23 mars 2020 à 21:54, Fabio Ricci <fabio.fr.ri...@gmail.com> a
> écrit :
>> Hi CP
>> I also tried OM 5.0.0-M3 on Ubuntu18 with the same effect (all port
>> open!!!).
>> My suggestions,
>> 1) step back to OM 4.0.10 (using Flash) - I used that with Chrome - this
>> runs well - but Flash will probably be usable in Chrome until the end of
>> 2020. Please be aware - look into OM log file, since once you open OM ou
>> might get some “friends” (today I stopped mine because 4 “friends” from
>> East were successfully connected …)
>> 2) go back to JITSI - Do not need any install.
>> Regards
>> > On 23 Mar 2020, at 21:48, BELLE Pou <courriel.poubell...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > Hi,
>> > I'm a confined teacher, thus I'm trying to run OpenMeetings to work
>> with other teachers and my pupils. I first tried to use Jitsi Meet, but did
>> not succeed in running it. As I used OM with success years ago (in another
>> life), I decided to use it one more time.
>> > I have a small x86_64 computer (Celeron J1900 with 8 GB RAM and two
>> small SSD in RAID1) - my personal server, unused most of the time. It runs
>> under Ubuntu 18.04 server, up to date. I put all OpenMeetings stuff inside
>> a LXC container. I redirected ports 5443 and 1935 from host to container
>> and checked it works (with netcat). I made a minimum ufw config, so that
>> these ports are also exposed to the Internet. The host is placed in a DMZ
>> (my fibered box/router allow me to have one IP publically exposed), so I
>> don't think I need a TURN server (I must admit I don't master at all these
>> technologies). I also have to set the container as "nested", in order to
>> MariaDB server to start.
>> >
>> > I found two PDF, the first describes OM4.0.9 install on Debian 10. I
>> thought this document could be used to install OM5.0.0-M3, but I was wrong.
>> It does not mention the Kurento Media Server, and I failed in installing it
>> (I used first a Debian container). I created an Ubuntu container, and tried
>> to adapt the steps described in the 2nd document (CentOS oriented) :
>> verything seems OK (except the LibreOffice step for JODconverter, but the
>> doc says it's now integrated in OM, so I suppose it's useless).
>> >
>> > I can start OM, connect to it, manually create account, persons can
>> connect to OM, fron the LAN and from the Internet, they can share the
>> whiteboard, BUT :- nobody sees or ears anybody ;- I cannot embed any
>> document (PDF or ODT).
>> >
>> > Could someone be kind enough to help me ? And I once were skilled, but
>> I'm now very rusted, and my knowledge have almost vanished...
>> >
>> > Thanks in advance !
>> >
>> > CP

Maxim aka solomax

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