I'm not familiar with "LXC container"

Let's try baby-steps-mode

Can you try OM from localhost? (without any forwarding, closed ports etc. ?

On Tue, 24 Mar 2020 at 19:34, BELLE Pou <courriel.poubell...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I first test from my LAN. Even there, video and audio don't work. Ports are 
> open, redirected, and reachable from inside my container, though... I'm quite 
> stuck. Many thanks for your help and your support.
> CP
> Le mar. 24 mars 2020 à 11:07, Maxim Solodovnik <solomax...@gmail.com> a écrit 
> :
>> I would recommend to start with "open" configuration
>> Then add restrictions
>> Is audio/video works for you if FW is down? (I'm usually checking
>> using second browser tab)
>> On Tue, 24 Mar 2020 at 16:09, BELLE Pou <courriel.poubell...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > Thanks. I have followed this tuto (M. Brohl's one ?), but I still have no 
>> > video nor any sound (yet doc conversion is working, so install LibreOffice 
>> > is mandatory). My best guess is that it is either a container issue or a 
>> > firewall issue.
>> > Here are the firewall rules on the host :
>> > root@server:~# ufw status numbered
>> >      Vers                       Action      De
>> >      ----                       ------      --
>> > [ 1] 1935                       ALLOW IN    Anywhere
>> > [ 2] 5443                       ALLOW IN    Anywhere
>> > [ 3] 5080          ALLOW IN    <my_lan>
>> > [ 5] 8888                       ALLOW IN    Anywhere
>> >
>> > On the host, I pass ports 5443 and 8888 to the container. It works (tested 
>> > with netcat as a server inside the container - with all relevant processes 
>> > stopped, of course - and successfully contacted from <my_lan>).
>> >
>> > When I run all componentsof OM, I can see Kurento binding to many many 
>> > ports, should they all be opened to the whole Internet ? Thanks !
>> >
>> > CP
>> --
>> WBR
>> Maxim aka solomax

Maxim aka solomax

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