On 03/06/2015 02:23 PM, Matěj Cepl wrote:
> Packaging software which depends on php54 
> for platform which doesn't have php54...

To be fair, they have advertised dumping php53.
To be honest, if you look at my history on this forum you will see a
recent post where I too got blindsided by this very thing.

The Software Collections route I went to was something new to me, but it
ended up not being too bad. Now I have httpd24 and php55 running on
Scientific Linux in production with owncloud 8. The post shouldn't be
too hard to find, but if you need help let me know. I will be happy to
do what I can.

> I would think that E in RHEL means that the packager should be careful
> about screwing up your users.

Trust me. This is one of my biggest pet-peeves. Especially with the
absurd notion recently of pushing bleeding-edge packages that haven't
hit a one year birthday yet into Enterprise grade OS and LTS support.
This really frightens me. But I would also expect that an admin who
joins me in the fight for keeping that E of highest importance would
break a dev box...not a production one...


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