On 03/06/2015 06:24 PM, Chris wrote:
> see here for a description for the decision why to provide a OC8 package for
> system which doesn't ship PHP 5.4 by default:
> https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues/13917#issuecomment-73052468

That was actually an interesting read. Thanks!

We have too many things that we can't take big risks on so we keep to
the Enterprise grade type of stuff. We are still waiting on several big
vendors to properly adopt to RHEL 7 before we jump ship. I am /really/
hoping to stick it out on RHEL 6 till at least the end of the year with
a migration next year, but more and more it is getting challenging to do so.

It is kinda funny. Two years ago I led the crusade to get rid of RHEL 4
and last year I started the hard push to migrate off of RHEL 5. I just
wanted a year break before starting the push to get off RHEL 6. :-D


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