Hi Jenna,

You probably want to have a reverse proxy in front of your app
(localhost:3000) so that it is exposed to the Internet via standard ports
(80 for HTTP or 443 for HTTPS). Your app can communicate to the event
server and engine over localhost. They don't need to be exposed to the
Internet. Your app should be using one of PredictionIO SDKs to interact
with the event server and engine.


On Sun, Oct 2, 2016 at 3:07 PM, Jenna Kwon <jinkwo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello!
> I am a beginner so please excuse me if my question is rudimentary.
> I've followed a demo for Tapster Comics Recommendation (
> http://predictionio.incubator.apache.org/demo/tapster/) and have a good
> understanding of deploying the engine, app and event server on localhost.
> My app ran on localhost:3000, engine ran on localhost:8000, and
> eventserver ran on localhost:7000.
> I would like to now deploy these on a web server. The "app" would be a
> specific website. How would I hook up and deploy eventserver and
> predictionIO engine to gather information from that specific website?
> Would it just be a matter of changing environmental variables in
> pio-env.sh (in predictionIO installation directory) as well as those in
> app's directory? For example, would I substitute "localhost" with a web
> server?
> Thank you!
> Best Regards,
> Jenna Kwon
> --
> Jenna Kwon
> B.S. Computer Science '17| Georgia Institute of Technology
> Denning Technology and Management Scholar
> GT Tennis Club | GT Trailblazers
> www.jennakwon.com
> (541)908-2963

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