Interesting tangent. I think there will never be a time when an
interesting area is covered only by one project, or product. Why are
there 30 SQL engines? or 50 car companies? it's a feature not a bug.
To the extent they provide different tradeoffs or functionality,
they're not entirely duplicative; to the extent they compete directly,
it's a win for the user.

As others have said, Flink (née Stratosphere) started quite a while
ago. But you can draw lines of influence back earlier than Spark. I
presume MS Dryad is the forerunner of all these.

And in case you wanted a third option, Google's DataFlow (now Apache
Beam) is really a reinvention of FlumeJava (nothing to do with Apache
Flume) from Google, in a way that Crunch was a port and minor update
of FlumeJava earlier. And it claims to run on Flink/Spark if you want.

On Sun, Apr 17, 2016 at 10:25 PM, Mich Talebzadeh
<> wrote:
> Also it always amazes me why they are so many tangential projects in Big
> Data space? Would not it be easier if efforts were spent on adding to Spark
> functionality rather than creating a new product like Flink?

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