you will notice in the autocompleter tutorial posted at;jsessionid=CE13A626C1A38AC66A47344D139993DE

there exists a <sj:autocompleter with 
onChangeTopics="autocompleteChange"but there is no (jquery) function subscribed 
to listen to autocompleteChange topic ..
if you look at bottom of tutorial you will see:
$.subscribe('autocompleteChange', function(event, data) {
        var ui = event.originalEvent.ui;
        var message = ui.item.value;
        if(ui.item.key) {
                message = '( '+ ui.item.key +' ) '+message;

when you publish an event topic you will also need to subscribe listener for 
the same event topic

> From:
> To:
> Subject: <sj:autocompleter> dependable
> Date: Mon, 24 Aug 2015 15:59:49 -0400
>  I am new to struts2 and need help with the struts2 jquery autocompleter tag
> Have an object 
> Publisher
> code
> description
> In Action
> getPublishers()
> I am trying to use 2 dependable sj:autocompleter tags. In both it should 
> display the Publishers list but
>  in one it should display the description of publisher and in another it 
> should display the code
> If the user changes discription in one of the autocompleter then it should 
> change the code and vise versa on the second autocompleter.
> I am not not sure how the selected value goes to the action class. I'll want 
> the selected publisher to be set to corresponding Publisher object selected 
> to the selectedPublisherOfPublisherDescription attribute. 
> How will it change the second autocompleter code on change of the first one. 
> But, it's not working. Your help is appreciated.
> I tried the below
>               <sj:autocompleter
>                               id="publisherDescriptionId"
>                               name="publisherDescription"
> value="%{selectedPublisherOfPublisherDescription}"
>                               list="%{publishers}"
>                               listValue="description"
>                               listKey="code"
>                               selectBox="true"
>                               selectBoxIcon="true"
>                               label="Publisher Description"
>                               onChangeTopics="publisherChange"
>                    />
>               <sj:autocompleter
>                               id="publisherCodeId"
>                               name="publisherCode"
>                               value="%{selectedPublisherOfMPublisherCode}"
>                               list="%{publishers}"
>                               listValue="code"
>                               listKey="description"
>                               selectBox="true"
>                               selectBoxIcon="true"
>                               label="Publisher Code"
>                               listenTopics="publisherChange"

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