As mentioned earlier have 2 autocompleters with same list of Managers. Only 
difference being the Manger.description is shown as drop down in one and 
Manager.code is shown in the drop down in another. 

In the first autocompleter when Manager.description is selected it should 
automatically select the second autocompleter with corresponding Manager.code 
value and vise versa.

How to do this?

 I am new to both struts2 and jquery. Please need help with this.
I tried adding the subscribe mentioned below that didn't auto select the option 
in the second autocompleter.

> From:
> To:
> Subject: RE: <sj:autocompleter> dependable
> Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2015 07:09:12 -0400
> you will notice in the autocompleter tutorial posted at 
> there exists a <sj:autocompleter with 
> onChangeTopics="autocompleteChange"but there is no (jquery) function 
> subscribed to listen to autocompleteChange topic ..
> if you look at bottom of tutorial you will see:
> $.subscribe('autocompleteChange', function(event, data) {
>       var ui = event.originalEvent.ui;
>       var message = ui.item.value;
>       if(ui.item.key) {
>               message = '( '+ ui.item.key +' ) '+message;
>       }
>               $('#topics').html('<b>'+message+'</b>');
>       });
> when you publish an event topic you will also need to subscribe listener for 
> the same event topic
> Martin
> > From:
> > To:
> > Subject: <sj:autocompleter> dependable
> > Date: Mon, 24 Aug 2015 15:59:49 -0400
> > 
> >  I am new to struts2 and need help with the struts2 jquery autocompleter tag
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > Have an object 
> > 
> > Publisher
> > 
> > code
> > 
> > description
> >  
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > In Action
> > 
> > getPublishers()
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > I am trying to use 2 dependable sj:autocompleter tags. In both it should 
> > display the Publishers list but
> > 
> >  in one it should display the description of publisher and in another it 
> > should display the code
> > 
> > 
> > If the user changes discription in one of the autocompleter then it should 
> > change the code and vise versa on the second autocompleter.
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > I am not not sure how the selected value goes to the action class. I'll 
> > want the selected publisher to be set to corresponding Publisher object 
> > selected to the selectedPublisherOfPublisherDescription attribute. 
> >  
> > 
> > How will it change the second autocompleter code on change of the first 
> > one. But, it's not working. Your help is appreciated.
> >  
> > 
> > I tried the below
> > 
> >             <sj:autocompleter
> > 
> >                             id="publisherDescriptionId"
> > 
> >                             name="publisherDescription"
> > 
> >                             
> > value="%{selectedPublisherOfPublisherDescription}"
> > 
> >                             list="%{publishers}"
> > 
> >                             listValue="description"
> > 
> >                             listKey="code"
> > 
> >                             selectBox="true"
> > 
> >                             selectBoxIcon="true"
> > 
> >                             label="Publisher Description"
> > 
> >                             onChangeTopics="publisherChange"
> > 
> >                  />
> > 
> >                  
> > 
> >             <sj:autocompleter
> > 
> >                             id="publisherCodeId"
> > 
> >                             name="publisherCode"
> > 
> >                             value="%{selectedPublisherOfMPublisherCode}"
> > 
> >                             list="%{publishers}"
> > 
> >                             listValue="code"
> > 
> >                             listKey="description"
> > 
> >                             selectBox="true"
> > 
> >                             selectBoxIcon="true"
> > 
> >                             label="Publisher Code"
> > 
> >                             listenTopics="publisherChange"
> >                                       

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