For the sake of completeness, this appears to work

I can access values using the S2 tags from ValueStack
from the tile's JSP, setting the values via either
setValue() or push().

That said, given <s:action.../> I'm not sure I see a
huge advantage to doing so; I was thinking about this
several months ago and was unsure if the (slight)
extra work to do this in a preparer was really worth

Does anybody have any thoughts regarding the value of
Tiles view preparers in an S2 environment? To me
(right now, at least) it seems like extra work,
another API to deal with, (potential) synchronization
issues, etc., since I already have a lot of the
functionality built-in to S2.


--- Dave Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Antonio --
> Not directed towards me so I'm somewhat hesitant to
> answer given responses in the past, but:
> ./views/jsp/        
> ValueStack stack = (ValueStack) 
> Perhaps the stack is accessible from within the
> request, but I cannot test this at the moment.

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