Hi everyone,

I have a List of POJOs that I've created, and for every POJO in the
list I'm displaying some UI components corresponding to the properties
of the POJO (textfields and select fields et.c.). I also have some
submit buttons that belong to each row (and indirectly to each POJO),
like "Edit", "Save" and "Remove" buttons. My corresponding Action has
a property for the List and it receives its values the way it should.

My problem is that I need some way to tell the Action which of the
buttons that had been pushed (which one of the "Edit" buttons for
instance), and I don't know how to do that. To be more exact, I'd like
some way to return the #state.index of that iteration/row when a
specific button has been pushed.

I'm also using the "method" tag for calling different methods on the
Action depending on which of the three buttons that was pushed, so
that's not a problem.

I've tried to find more information about the s:submit but I didn't
find anything in "Struts 2 in Action" and the Struts 2 API docs aren't
explaining much either.

I've tried using the "name" and "value" attributes like for other UI
components, like:

<s:submit name = "Edit" value = "%{#state.index}" key =
"caption.editbutton" method = "Edit"/>

but that only caused the index value to be the caption of the button.
So it looks like "value" means something else for submit components
than for other UI components. (It turns into the caption, If a "value"
is specified..)

I've also checked the parameter names I receive from the action, but
apart from the different properties of the List I only receive
"method: Edit" (when an "Edit" button has been pressed). Though I
recall that when not using Struts you could receive the name of the
button as a request parameter, so how do I do that with Struts 2 - and
connect a value to it?

Maybe I could use the "onclick" attribute of s:submit but I don't know
the syntax for sending a value to the Action there. (Isn't that

Can somebody please help me with this?

Thanks in advance!


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