Ylva Degerfeldt wrote:
Hi everyone,

Maybe I could use the "onclick" attribute of s:submit but I don't know
the syntax for sending a value to the Action there. (Isn't that

Can somebody please help me with this?

Thanks in advance!


Are you asking on how to get different buttons to do different actions?

If so, then here is what I did:


<s:form id="myForm" name="myForm" action="OriginalAction" theme="simple">

<input type='button' onclick="myJavaScriptMethod();" value='button label here'/>


In the <head> section:

     function myJavaScriptMethod() {
document.myForm.action = "/myProject/NewAction.action";

And that is how I programmatically set different actions from javascript.

Is there a better way?


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