Thank you Dave!
See below..

> The previous suggestion to use JavaScript might be the quickest, by using an 
> onclick handler to set the value of a hidden form element and have the action 
> check that to see what element of the iterator to operate on.
> As mentioned on [1] using the "button" type can help, but (as usual) IE6 
> makes it problematic.

Ok, I think the JavaScript way might be the best, since it feels like
"bad web developing" to use something that doesn't work on certain
versions of a browser as common as IE.

I've created the hidden form element and getter+setter for it in the
Action. Now I just need the syntax for setting the value inside
I've tried searching the net for some help on this but since the
matter concerns both JavaScript and Struts 2 I didn't find anything.
Have you got any good links or something that I can use?

Basically, I need to know 3 things:
1. Does the code have to be in a JS method or can it be "right under onclick"?
2. How do I set the reference to the hidden field in JS?
3. How do I set the value of (1) to the value of #state.index in JS?
(Do I keep the '#', do I need %{ } or what?)

I'd be Really Grateful for some more help with this!


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