Thanks, fixed.

On 14/01/14 19:04, Peter Klügl wrote:

Just a small correction:
The last workshop had nine paper presentations and one invited talk.



Am 14.01.2014 18:11, schrieb Jens Grivolla:
Hello, there's only 5 days remaining to submit the workshop proposal.
Please anybody interested get in touch.

I sent a mail to the GATE user list to get some input from them.  The
proposal draft is here:

-- Jens

On 19/12/13 13:29, Jens Grivolla wrote:
On 19/12/13 13:08, Peter Klügl wrote:
Am 19.12.2013 12:31, schrieb Jens Grivolla:
Ok, it's time to seriously get started on this.

I guess we can start with the GSCL workshop description, and maybe
make it more inclusive for other frameworks (GATE, etc.)

We need a couple of organizers (me, Renaud, ...?) and a potential PC
(again, start with the one from GSCL) preferably with a few already
confirmed PC members (Richard, ...)

If the workshop is more inclusive for other frameworks, maybe it's
reasonable to ask one of the GATE people whether they want to
co-organize the workshop.

Yes, we definitely would need to reach out to them.  First we need to
decide: do we want a more focused workshop (just UIMA), or are the
problems faced by GATE users (and others) sufficiently similar that we
can learn from each other?

If we want to get the GATE people in there: does anybody have contacts
in that community?

I won't be able to help with the organization, but maybe as a part of
the PC.

I take that as having you as a confirmed PC member ;-)

I can also not promise that I will submit something, but I will
our working group.

Ok, that's great.

I started the draft proposal here:


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