Yeah, that's not ideal. You can configure the string delimiter in your tool
config. But this seems like surprising behavior for a ParameterTool to
have. The dangers of inheritance, i think. ConversionTool and ValueParser
are both built with formats in mind where it makes sense to watch for
delimited lists. ParameterTool works with inputs where lists have multiple
entries of the same key, instead of delimited values for a single entry. It
is convenient to share the interface and conversion code, but we should
probably change ParameterTool to act as expected by default.

Care to open an issue for this? Or maybe even patch it? :) I may have time
this week, but can't be sure.

On Mon, Aug 21, 2017 at 6:00 PM, Christopher Schultz <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> All,
> I'm not sure if I've used ValueParser.getStrings before (really,
> ParameterParser.getStrings, in this case), but I'm surprised by what
> is happening. Is this expected?
> Request POST parameters:
> foo=bar&comment=This, is a comment.
> Velocity template code:
> #set($comments = $parameterParser.getStrings('comment'))
> #if(0 < $comments.size())
> #foreach($comment in $comments)
>   <div class="comment">
>     <textarea name="comment"
> placeholder="$msg.label.optional_comments">#htmlEscape($comment)</textar
> ea>
>   </div>
> #end## foreach
> #end## if(comments)
> I would expect this to produce a single <textarea> element with the
> text "This, is a comment." in the text area. Instead, I get two
> <textarea> elements, one containing "This" and the other containing
> "is a comment.".
> That seems ... crazy to me. I'm sure I can just change:
> #set($comments = $parameterParser.getStrings('comment'))
> to
> #set($comments = $request.getParameterValues('comment'))
> ... but I figured that ParameterParser would do the same thing, no?
> - -chris
> Comment: GPGTools -
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -
> mgb1fqmBOd5m7TPz9iJnfj6jtLlK2u2u0cPp3BHsFyu8Y4RX5heC1RZ6fJfOPFx1
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> =w9Ic
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