
(Apologies for the late reply.)

On 8/22/17 10:58 AM, Nathan Bubna wrote:
> Yeah, that's not ideal. You can configure the string delimiter in your tool
> config. But this seems like surprising behavior for a ParameterTool to
> have. The dangers of inheritance, i think. ConversionTool and ValueParser
> are both built with formats in mind where it makes sense to watch for
> delimited lists. ParameterTool works with inputs where lists have multiple
> entries of the same key, instead of delimited values for a single entry. It
> is convenient to share the interface and conversion code, but we should
> probably change ParameterTool to act as expected by default.
> Care to open an issue for this? Or maybe even patch it? :) I may have time
> this week, but can't be sure.

So... just change the default delimiter to ... something like a NUL
(0x00) character? Or maybe RS (Record Separator) 0x1e?

Does anyone have any preference?

Also, what's the best way to make this backward-compatible?


> On Mon, Aug 21, 2017 at 6:00 PM, Christopher Schultz <
>> wrote:
> All,
> I'm not sure if I've used ValueParser.getStrings before (really,
> ParameterParser.getStrings, in this case), but I'm surprised by what
> is happening. Is this expected?
> Request POST parameters:
> foo=bar&comment=This, is a comment.
> Velocity template code:
> #set($comments = $parameterParser.getStrings('comment'))
> #if(0 < $comments.size())
> #foreach($comment in $comments)
>   <div class="comment">
>     <textarea name="comment"
> placeholder="$msg.label.optional_comments">#htmlEscape($comment)</textar
> ea>
>   </div>
> #end## foreach
> #end## if(comments)
> I would expect this to produce a single <textarea> element with the
> text "This, is a comment." in the text area. Instead, I get two
> <textarea> elements, one containing "This" and the other containing
> "is a comment.".
> That seems ... crazy to me. I'm sure I can just change:
> #set($comments = $parameterParser.getStrings('comment'))
> to
> #set($comments = $request.getParameterValues('comment'))
> ... but I figured that ParameterParser would do the same thing, no?
> -chris
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