Thank you for the reply.

We are very aware of all the things you mentioned below.
None of those.

Not GC (we monitor every possible resource in JVM and system)
No IO. No Swapping.
No VM guest OS. No logging.

Oh, one thing I should mention is that it is not 1000 clients,
1000 login/logout per second. All operations like closeSession, 
ping takes more than 8 seconds (peak).

It's about CommitProcessor thread queueing (in leader).
QueuedRequests goes up to 800, so does commitedRequests and
PendingRequestElapsedTime. PendingRequestElapsedTime
goes up to 8.8 seconds during this flood.

To exactly reproduce this scenario, easiest way is to

- suspend All JVM client with debugger
- Cause all client JVM OOME to create heap dump

in group B. All clients in group A will not be able to receive
ping response in 5 seconds.

We need to fix this as soon as possible.
What we do as a workaround is to raise sessionTimeout to 40 sec.
At least clients in Group A survives. But this increases 
our cluster failover time significantly. 

Thank you, Patrick.

ps. We actually push ping request to FinalRequestProcessor as soon
      as the packet identifies itself as ping. No dice.

2011. 4. 14., 오전 12:21, Patrick Hunt 작성:

> Hi Chang, it sounds like you may have an issue with your cluster
> environment/setup, or perhaps a resource (GC/mem) issue. Have you
> looked through the troubleshooting guide?
> In particular 1000 clients connecting should be fine, I've personally
> seen clusters of 7-10 thousand clients. Keep in mind that each session
> establishment is essentially a write (so the quorum in involved) and
> what we typically see there is that the cluster configuration has
> issues. 14 seconds for a ping response is huge and indicates one of
> the following may be an underlying cause:
> 1) are you running in a virtualized environment?
> 2) are you co-locating other services on the same host(s) that make up
> the ZK serving cluster?
> 3) have you followed the admin guide's "things to avoid"?
> In particular ensuring that you are not swapping or going into gc
> pause (both on the server and the client)
> a) try turning on GC logging and ensure that you are not going into GC
> pause, see the troubleshooting guide, this is the most common cause of
> high latency for the clients
> b) ensure that you are not swapping
> c) ensure that other processes are not causing log writing
> (transactional logging) to be slow.
> Patrick
> On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 6:35 AM, Chang Song <> wrote:
>> Hello, folks.
>> We have ran into a very serious issue with Zookeeper.
>> Here's a brief scenario.
>> We have some Zookeeper clients with session timeout of 15 sec (thus 5 sec 
>> ping), let's called
>> these clients, group A.
>> Now 1000 new clients (let's call these, group B) starts up at the same time 
>> trying to
>> connect to a three-node ZK ensemble, creating ZK createSession stampede.
>> Now almost all clients in group A is not able to exchange ping within 
>> session expire time (15 sec).
>> Thus clients in group A drops out of the cluster.
>> We have looked into this issue a bit, found mostly synchronous nature of 
>> session queue processing.
>> Latency between ping request and response ranges from 10ms up to 14 seconds 
>> during this login stampede.
>> Since session timeout is serious matter for our cluster, thus ping should be 
>> done in psuedo realtime fashion.
>> I don't know exactly how these ping timeout policy in clients and server, 
>> but failure to receive ping
>> response in clients due to zookeeper login session seem very nonsense to me.
>> Shouldn't we have a separate ping/heartbeat queue and thread?
>> Or even multiple ping queues/threads to keep realtime heartbeat?
>> THis is very serious issue with Zookeeper for our mission-critical system. 
>> Could anyone
>> look into this?
>> I will try to file a bug.
>> Thank you.
>> Chang

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