This is a more powerful idea than it looks like at first glance.

The reason is that there is often a highly non-linear and adverse impact to
response time due to higher load.  I have never been able to properly
account for this using queuing models in a system that is not swapping, but
it is definitely real.

If your rebooting processes simply wait between 0 and 5 seconds, your
problems are likely to be much better.

2011/4/13 Patrick Hunt <>

> 2) can you hold off some of the clients from the stampede? Perhaps add
> a random holdoff to each of the clients before connecting,
> additionally a similar random holdoff from closing the session. this
> seems like a straightforward change from your client side (easy to
> implement/try) but hard to tell given we don't have much insight into
> what your use case is.

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