Hello Justin,

Sorry for the late reply. I updated the wiki [1] with the text you provided. I did not change the link, it still points to openlogic.com. The ASF does not (and cannot) endorse any commercial offering, but we are providing information that may be helpful to our community of users. I took the liberty to remove 3 words, for brevity, it doesn't change the message. The main site should get refreshed in 24 hours or so.

Please review and let us know if you have any questions.


[1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/ACTIVEMQ/Support

On 01/26/2015 03:01 PM, Justin Reock wrote:
Hi Hadrian,

Thanks for your help with this!  Here¹s the language we¹d like to see:

³Rogue Wave / OpenLogic has a dedicated team of OSS experts offering
round-the-clock Production Support with competitive SLAs for
troubleshooting ActiveMQ issues and outages.  For a deeper dive, Rogue
Wave offers a comprehensive week-long instructor-led training program for
developers and admins.  Rogue Wave OpenLogic also provides Architecture
and Design Consulting, and a Developer Support contract to assist in the
development of messaging applications within your organization.²

Just for a little clarification there, Rogue Wave purchased OpenLogic in
Q3 2013, but, our OSS Support team still works as OpenLogic.  So, to keep
with the format of the rest of the site, you can use the ³Rogue Wave /
OpenLogic² text at the beginning as the mask text for the
³www.openlogic.com² website.  The Website link should stay the same as it
is currently.

Let me know if you need any changes there, and again I really appreciate
the assistance.


On 1/26/15, 12:28 PM, "Hadrian Zbarcea" <hzbar...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Justin,

Yes, this is a good forum for discussing this. Can you please post the
text you're proposing?


On 01/26/2015 10:01 AM, Justin Reock wrote:
Hi ActiveMQ community,

I'm wondering who I would need to get in touch with to improve the
verbiage on ActiveMQ's Commercial Support page
(http://activemq.apache.org/support.html) for OpenLogic.  Over the last
year, we have ramped up our Commercial Support for ActiveMQ, having
delivered our in-house training to several companies, as well as
contributing a couple hundred hours of Consulting on the project for
various enterprises.  This is all aside from the Professional 24x7 SLA
support we offer, and our Developer Support options.  Of the many
projects that OpenLogic provides support for, ActiveMQ is consistently
within the top 10 in terms of overall support tickets processed.

Currently, the wording on the support page reads just "OpenLogic
provides support."  We are hoping to extend this to let users know just
what kind of packages we offer, I.e. Professional Contracting, On-Site
Training, and 24x7 Professional and Developer support.

Please let me know whom I can contact to improve our representation on
that page.  I spoke with the Apache webmaster, Mike Drob, and he
directed me here to the User List.

Justin Reock

Open Source Solutions Architect
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866-399-6736 | toll free

OpenLogic, a Rogue Wave Company
Accelerating Great Code

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