I'm not clear on what you mean by, "...it was blacklisted while utilizing
the localhost..." Can you clarify this? Do you just mean that when the
broker was listening on localhost that remote clients were not able to

To my knowledge, there is no specific feature to whitelist or blacklist IP
addresses. This is typically done by a firewall.

The REST documentation you cited [1] includes information about how to
consume messages. What additional information do you need? Please be


[1] https://activemq.apache.org/rest

On Mon, Jul 24, 2023 at 8:33 AM Pavan Gujjari <pavan.gujj...@celigo.com>

> Hello ActiveMQ Team,
> I am writing to inquire about a few questions that are mentioned below.
>    1. Does ActiveMQ whitelist the IP address because it was blacklisted
>    while utilizing the localhost that we set up per the documentation
>    <
> https://activemq.apache.org/getting-started#UsingHomebrewinstalleronOSX>
>    ?
>    2. Do we have any instructions or documentation for whitelisting the IP?
>    3. Is there any further REST API documentation available? Following the
>    API documentation <https://activemq.apache.org/rest>, we discovered
> just
>    one endpoint, "To send a message to queue/topic," and no endpoint
> related
>    to subscribing/publishing to a topic.
> Thank you so much for considering my request. I eagerly await your response
> and look forward to the opportunity to learn from your expertise.
> Pavan Gujjari
> Associate Software Analyst
> +91 9989592163 <+91+9989592163>
> pavan.gujj...@celigo.com
> www.celigo.com
> [image: twitter] <https://twitter.com/celigoinc>
> [image: linkedin] <https://www.linkedin.com/company/celigo-inc>
> <https://celigo.com/emailsig>

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