Hi Neil,

thanks for the feedback,

> But we also had one MailNotifier that just used builders=[]. The
> comments by it say that that MailNotifier is for worker-missing emails.
> That one got separated out yesterday.
looks good!

> At present, every failure email sent has a URL beginning with
> locaclhost:8080, instead of the correct one. How can I correct this? Do
> the MailNotifiers need to be in the UI master (which surely ought to
> know the URL for the UI)? Something else? Currently, the MailNotifiers
> are in the same masters as their builders.

Every master need to have the correct c['buildbotURL'] configured to be the
URL of the UI for the buildbot cluster.
Remember that could be the URL for an haproxy which will load balance
requests to several UI masters.

the buildbotURL is used in various places like reporters to give users
reliables URL pointers to the builds.
It is also used by the Trigger step to have the TriggerStep know about its
triggered builds.

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