I am very new to coccon so please excuse any glaring errors in my question.
I have written a transformer whose job in part is to extrat a uri from a knowledge article returned from our knowledgebase.

<cinclude:include select="*|text()">
<xsl:attribute name="src">cocoon:/soldoc?url=<xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(LongDescLink)"/> </xsl:attribute>

The snippet above indicates my attempt. -
The cinclude transformer then transforms the xml and finds the correct matcher in my sitemap.

I want to use the html generator to return the file. <see below>

<map:match pattern="soldoc">
<map:generate src="{request-param:url}" type="html"/>
<map:serialize/> </map:match>

This solution works until I try to generate a uri with an illegal character ie a space.
It appears that the request-param is (correctly) decoding the parameter I am passing it but unfortunately this is not the behaviour I require.

Is there any way that I can re-code the parameter before generating it ?
Or can anyone suggest an alternative means of achieving the same end. ie generating html from a remote server.

Any help would be appreciated.



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