I did a quick and dirty solution: I add src="http://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]" to my fo:external-graphics tag. Just for the testing.

Any better ideas?

Are there any way to build something to sitemap, which would do the trick? The user has just logged into the GeoServer so there must be some way to forward authentication info into cocoon and pass it back to Geoserver. Sounds stupid. Am I doing this too complicated?

reg. mika

Lehtonen, Mika kirjoitti:

Cocoon 2.1.11 / TomCat 6.0.14

Cocoon is running in "main" host and wms-server (GeoServer) in another virtual host. Cocoon gets rasterdata from wms and renders it into pdf. So there is fo:external-graphics tag in the xsl, which has a wms-request as a src attribute.

Everything works fine until I add authentication (openLDAP + JNDI) into wms-server. Cocoon can't get the data anymore, because it can't authenticate itself.

Have anybody any idea how to solve this? It might be as much a TomCat issue, but I believe there are lots of TomCat experts round here too. I tried SingleSignOn valve in Tomcat but I guess it works only among the applications under same virtual host.

- mika -

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