On 17/02/2013 20:08, Mika M Lehtonen wrote:
Hi Francesco,
let me tell you what I have now.
I implemented a feedback web application for municipial use with C2.11. The app is built so that the administrator can create forms picking fields and controls he/she needs. These setting are saved into db. The end-user app reads these settings from db, creates XML definition and through XSL transforms these settings into valid Cforms definition/template and finally creates forms wanted out of this all.

This is highly dynamic system where we also implemented special data model where horizontal tables are converted into vertical direction, that is, there is one row per fom field, not a column.

I was warned about using C2.11 for this, but I wanted to use it anyway because I was familiar with it already. Now I would like to get rid of C2.11 but I really don't know how. I would like to switch into C3 but that is something I am not familiar with.

I could go with the stream and use AJAX and like jQuery.. still i would have the same problem - how to create controls out of XML definition. So XML driven form platform is something I would prefer, you see, I would only need XSLT.

I hope I made my needs little clearer.

Yes, definitely.
*Basically, you need to dynamically build some web forms from an XML definition you get from an external source: let me say that this is a perfect suite for C2.1 (and C2.2) with CForms.

Now, since you want to move away from C2.1 (and not for C2.2 I guess), you'd like to have some tools that, parsing the XML form definition generates a Wicket form, with all controls full featured.

While this is perfectly feasible without C3 (I did something similar, even though limited, in Apache Syncope), I'd think you could empower the integration between C3 and Wicket for this purpose. Only, consider that there is nothing implemented yet in this respect, so you would be the first.


17.2.2013 20:30, Francesco Chicchiriccò kirjoitti:
On 15/02/2013 22:11, Mika M Lehtonen wrote:
I have an application using dynamic Cforms (C2.11), that is, the Cforms definition and templates are created from dynamic XML through XSL.

Can this be done with C3 and wickets?
From somewhere I read about the fact that with Apache Wickets you don't need any XML..

Hi Mika,
what do you want to achieve exactly?

Apache Wicket is a component-based framework for developing web applications: I know from their project site that the project claims "a refreshing lack of XML", and I also know that Wicket fully supports form processing.

From the other side, Cocoon 3.0 features Wicket integration (more details at [1]) that can help achieving some particular use cases.


[1] http://cocoon.apache.org/3.0/reference/html-single/index.html#wicket-integration

Francesco Chicchiriccò

ASF Member, Apache Syncope PMC chair, Apache Cocoon PMC Member

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