18.2.2013 18:44, Jos Snellings kirjoitti:
Nice overview!

On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 5:23 PM, gelo1234 < <>> wrote:

    IMHO if you are dealing with XML data, there are only two valid
    choices: XSLT or XQuery.

    Both can be used with Cocoon. XSLT is standard Cocoon supported
    (by XSLTTransformer),
    XQuery support for Cocoon exists in XQueryGenerator from eXistDB

    Whin one to use ? :) I prefer XSLT, but you can choose the other
    [1]. XSLT has the best support in Cocoon.
    XSLT is much simpler in my opinion and it enables us to generate
    ANY Content/Transformation with XML data.
    XSLT is pretty well supported in most IDEs, be it Eclipse or NetBeans.

    Im not aware of any stack/framework that could be built on top of
    XSLT (as a superset?). Actually XSLT is pretty much 4GL [2]. It is
    declarative in its form so simple and yet with LEGO-like Cocoon
    sitemaps approach best suited for very clean/RAD apps.

    I also suggest taking a diversed approach to development with
    Cocoon. What I mean by diversed is that you don't necessarily have
    to stick
    to Cocoon tools only. In its 3.0 release Cocoon is considered to
    be used across different development environments, even in its
    simplest form
    as a library for e.g. Java EE or Spring application.
    Personally I prefer to use it as a mediation proxy with ESB-like
    features and use the right tools/frameworks for your job.
    For me it means: Java on server, Javascript/HTML on the client.

    Using Java on the client side in terms of Web app (as its with
    Wicket) is IMHO very bad and ugly idea.
    Other indirect uses of Java thats compiled into Javascript (like
    GWT, Vaadin, Errai,....) is also kind of obscure and heavy-weight.
    I dare to claim they will loose its share in future HTML5 development.

    Just use the right (and LIGHTWEIGHT ;) tool for your job :)



    2013/2/18 Mika M Lehtonen <

        but as I started this chain, I stated that my problem is to
        "convert" my own defined dynamic XML into HTML4 (or HTML5)
        forms. I was looking something to replace Cforms (not just
        plain XSLT). I am also considering to move to C3 because as I
        stated earlier, developing without tools is hard. If I could
        take e.g. NetBeans and continue with that, I would be better
        off in the long run.

        I was considering Apache Wickets because some integration has
        been done with C3, but right now it doesn't seem to be a real

        HTML5 is still hype from my point of view.

        - mika -

        18.2.2013 15:50, gelo1234 kirjoitti:
        HTML5 in its basics is a superset of HTML4. If you don't use
        HTML5-specific tags/spec you go well with old good HTML4.

        The original issue was NOT whether to use HTML5 or old HTML,
        but whether to use CForms or just raw XHTML/HTML (4 or 5) forms.

        If you like to have HTML5 goodies in browsers that support
        it, just use e.g. Cocoon Actions in Sitemap OR Advanced
        Sitemap Matchers OR in REST-Controller by inspecting HTTP
        Headers return different Page that generate a different
        Content (with XSLT) for IE8.


        2013/2/18 Mika M Lehtonen <

            Also HTML5 support for IE seems to be weak, even for IE9.
            There are still lot of people using IE8 or even older
            browser + lot of people in some sort of governmental
            offices using their own versions..
            We can't sell apps without IE-support, absolutely no way.


            - mika -

            18.2.2013 14:45, Robby Pelssers kirjoitti:

                The only thing I wonder about is...

                Cocoon and neither XSLT2.0 support html5
                serialization for all I know.  So does someone using
                Cocoon already generate HTML5 content with Cocoon and
                how did you accomplish this.


                -----Original Message-----
                From: Mika M Lehtonen [
                Sent: Monday, February 18, 2013 1:42 PM
                Subject: Re: from Cforms to Wicket

                thanks for your efforts. HTML5 it is, with or without C3.

                - mika -

                18.2.2013 14:25, Francesco Chicchiriccò kirjoitti:

                    On 18/02/2013 13:09, Mika M Lehtonen wrote:

                        I know what you mean. Most of the Xforms
                        sites are dated back to 2002
                        or 2003.. Sounds like a standard having
                        glorious future behind..

                        This betterForm still sounded proper for my
                        purposes because it
                        actually implements server-side approache of
                        Xforms. So I could use
                        Xforms definition for producing HTML-forms,
                        if I understood right. It
                        actually resembles a lot of Cforms with a
                        difference that it seems to
                        be under development taking contemporary
                        challenges into account.

                    "under development" with latest release 4.1
                    dating 1 year back [1]

                        But would I still need C3 (or C2.11 / C2.2)?

                    It depends on you, and on how much effort do you
                    want to put on this
                    Anyway, not necessarily, even though Cocoon will
                    help in you in the
                    XML side if the job.

                        I would like to get familiar with C3 if I
                        only could figure out how
                        to start.

                        The biggest problem with C2.11, IMHO, was not
                        having proper
                        development tools to use. I ended up writing
                        files with Notepad++.
                        And I never realized how to do debugging..


                        18.2.2013 10:48, Francesco Chicchiriccò

                            On 17/02/2013 21:57, Mika M Lehtonen wrote:

                                How about some XForms implementation
                                like this
                                Sounds promising..

                            I personally wouldn't bet much on XForms...


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