Hey Alex:

LOL, because of what I explained below. ;-)

My app is downloading a lot of data during initialization and the splash is 
displaying a "Loading..." message.

The time it takes to download the data I need to display the first view varies 
by a lot. On an iPhone 5 it could take 7 seconds, on an iPhone 8 it could take 
2 seconds. I don't want iPhone 8 users to wait 7 seconds to see the first view, 
but I want the splash to remain in place on slow phones until the data is 
completely downloaded so the view is populated.

If I simply set splash duration to 2 seconds and the data isn't loaded when it 
dismisses, it shows a blank first view. This is disconcerting. I can of course 
show a busy cursor over a blank screen until it's loaded but that's not what 
the client wants. 

Get me now?

Thanks so much!


On Jan 19, 2018, at 9:03 AM, Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com.INVALID> wrote:

Why can't you lower the min time?

On 1/19/18, 8:50 AM, "Erik J. Thomas" <e...@linqto.com> wrote:

> Hey all:
> I'm using Application.splashScreenImage (it's a preloader) in my Flex
> mobile application which preloads a splash screen that needs to display
> until my app is finished loading data which varies due to device cpu,
> internet connection bandwidth, etc.
> I need to discover a way to programmatically dismiss the splash screen
> before the 7 seconds expires if on a fast phone with a fast connection.
> Anyone know how I can do that? I've looked at all the APIs on the
> Application.splashScreenImage data member and cannot find a way though
> I've tried quite a few things.
> Thanks!
> Erik
> <s:Application 
>  splashScreenImage="com.linqto.keiretsu.preloader.LaunchScreen"
>  splashScreenScaleMode="zoom"
>  splashScreenMinimumDisplayTime="7000"
>  ...

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