Thanks, Alex. Don't spend any extra time on this though. Someone else may have 
solved for this. I'm still reading about custom preloaders and that may be my 
solution. I've searched the web a long time though and don't see anything about 
how to do this.

BTW, the minimum display time is mostly the maximum display time. In real use 
of this splash, it almost always goes away after the minimum time expires and 
if the app isn't ready, it just shows a blank screen. That property name 
probably should have been named splashScreenDisplayTime. Though it does stay up 
longer than min time once in a while. I can't figure out why but it probably 
waits for an initializedComplete event which would of course happen before all 
the data has finished downloading.

If I could just see the source code AIR uses to manage this preloader I could 
figure something out but it's flash native code as best I can figure.

Anyone else out there have an idea about this?



On Jan 19, 2018, at 9:24 AM, Alex Harui <> wrote:

I haven't used the mobile splash screen myself, so pardon my ignorance,
but I thought there were ways to tell the splash screen/preloader that it
isn't time to go away (which is why it is a min time, and not just a
duration).  I'm a bit swamped right now, but look for ways to delay the
preloader instead of ways to make it go away before the min time.

If you don't have any luck there, I will dig deeper later today or this


On 1/19/18, 9:15 AM, "Erik J. Thomas" <> wrote:

> Hey Alex:
> LOL, because of what I explained below. ;-)
> My app is downloading a lot of data during initialization and the splash
> is displaying a "Loading..." message.
> The time it takes to download the data I need to display the first view
> varies by a lot. On an iPhone 5 it could take 7 seconds, on an iPhone 8
> it could take 2 seconds. I don't want iPhone 8 users to wait 7 seconds to
> see the first view, but I want the splash to remain in place on slow
> phones until the data is completely downloaded so the view is populated.
> If I simply set splash duration to 2 seconds and the data isn't loaded
> when it dismisses, it shows a blank first view. This is disconcerting. I
> can of course show a busy cursor over a blank screen until it's loaded
> but that's not what the client wants.
> Get me now?
> Thanks so much!
> Erik
> On Jan 19, 2018, at 9:03 AM, Alex Harui <> wrote:
> Why can't you lower the min time?
> On 1/19/18, 8:50 AM, "Erik J. Thomas" <> wrote:
>> Hey all:
>> I'm using Application.splashScreenImage (it's a preloader) in my Flex
>> mobile application which preloads a splash screen that needs to display
>> until my app is finished loading data which varies due to device cpu,
>> internet connection bandwidth, etc.
>> I need to discover a way to programmatically dismiss the splash screen
>> before the 7 seconds expires if on a fast phone with a fast connection.
>> Anyone know how I can do that? I've looked at all the APIs on the
>> Application.splashScreenImage data member and cannot find a way though
>> I've tried quite a few things.
>> Thanks!
>> Erik
>> <s:Application 
>> splashScreenImage="com.linqto.keiretsu.preloader.LaunchScreen"
>> splashScreenScaleMode="zoom"
>> splashScreenMinimumDisplayTime="7000"
>> ...

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