On 10/09/2011 20:28, Anthony Papillion wrote:
I've been thinking a lot about this lately as many of my clients are coming to 
LibreOffice from Microsoft Office and I deal with both packages quite a bit. 
Many times, one of the first things I do once LibreOffice is set up is to show 
clients how to save in Microsoft format as opposed to .odf. It's actually one 
of the first questions they ask. Lately, I've been wondering about the wisdom 
of an open source package actively supporting a secret format like the Office 

Would it not be preferable to support *only* saving in the open document format 
and then providing a plugin for Microsoft Office users who needed it? IMHO, 
allowing users to save in secret formats just continues the problem. They're 
still using proprietary software, just packaged a different way.


There was an ENORMOUS discussion about this on the tdf-discuss list on 20 July this year.
You can see the thread here:

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