
Any chance you can create a few simple examples and open a bug against the simple examples?

On 09/11/2011 11:31 AM, Spencer Graves wrote:
For me, the answer is NOT obvious, because of (a) the occasional incompatibilities and (b) the things that are easier in MS Office than LibreOffice. I've had problems with LibreOffice where I save something in *.doc format or *.ppt and reopen it, and it's different. Also, I've been using Open Office / LibreOffice regularly for 1.5 years now, and I still cannot find how to control bullets and numbering as easily as I could with MS Office. For any document I have to send to a collaborator who uses MS Office, I need to keep it primarily in the MS format to increase the chances that I will at least know what is being changed without warning!

For example, in LibreOffice 3.4.3 Impress, create a dashed line and save it in MS PowerPoint 97 format. Close then reopen it. When I did that just now under Windows 7 x64, the line style was lost and it displayed solid. If I do NOT have to share it with an MS Office user, then I keep it in Open Office format. Otherwise, I must convert at some point to MS format, and I should do that regularly at least until I identify at least one incompatibility problem.

      Best Wishes,

Andrew Pitonyak
My Macro Document: http://www.pitonyak.org/AndrewMacro.odt
Info:  http://www.pitonyak.org/oo.php

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