On Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 22:28, Anthony Papillion <papill...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've been thinking a lot about this lately as many of my clients are coming 
> to LibreOffice from Microsoft Office and I deal with both packages quite a 
> bit. Many times, one of the first things I do once LibreOffice is set up is 
> to show clients how to save in Microsoft format as opposed to .odf. It's 
> actually one of the first questions they ask. Lately, I've been wondering 
> about the wisdom of an open source package actively supporting a secret 
> format like the Office ones.
> Would it not be preferable to support *only* saving in the open document 
> format and then providing a plugin for Microsoft Office users who needed it? 
> IMHO, allowing users to save in secret formats just continues the problem. 
> They're still using proprietary software, just packaged a different way.
> Thoughts?

Which MS Office file format is secret? They are all published here:

LibreOffice does not support them because there are not enough LO
contributors, not because the formats are secret.

Dotan Cohen


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