Thanks to Tom, Andreas, Alexander and Don!!
I'm working at the problem....

I have duplicated the Sub-directories exactly so that both machine are identical in layout and positioning of the .odb file, (although I would think this is not necessary as you 'browse' for the file when you select it!!??). I have looked at this step with care and now notice when I carry on with getting the DB to run on the LO Machine I can see all my Reports, Queries and Forms but when I try to look at Tables, (or select any of the aforementioned items), THAT'S when the error comes up which implies that it is something in the .odb file itself.

The reference to 'Tinderbox' and 'xstore' are unknown to me. I originally installed the OpSys which also gave me OO at the time, and later removed this and installed LO in it's place. (NOTE Write and Calc work fine in this LO installation). However I notice Don says he installed LO BEFORE deleting OO where as I did it the other way round - could this cause a problem? I have OO on one machine and LO on another!!

The ,odb file (on both machines) say it uses "Advanced Permissions" which are RWE.

Last point - following Andreas' notes I checked on the Machine with OO and the Database running for the Temp location (=/temp) but when I go there there is NO file that looks anything like a Base Temp file??

Thanks for all the feedback guys.

Ian Whitfield

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