On Tue, 24 Jan 2012 11:05:19 -0500
webmaster for Kracked Press Productions <webmas...@krackedpress.com>

>I am sorry you are not getting any help.  I wonder it it is an
>isolated issue for Fedora 16.  If people have not see this happen
>before, it is hard to figure out what is causing it.
>So is there any issues with printing/exporting the file to PDF then 
>printing it out to your printer?   Do your file require Postscript 
>printing instead of HP default printer language?

Exporting to PDF and then printing with Okular, Evince, Adobe Reader,
or other PDF viewers works fine. But that is more work than just
clicking the Print button, or even wading through the Print dialog box
tabs and menus to change the default behavior.

The problem is that there is a new "PDF" setting in the print dialog
box. It used to be on OOo that the default was to use whatever print
options were set according to the driver you selected in CUPS
(Postscript, Gutenprint, PCL, etc.). Now you have to go into General
tab > Properties > Device > tab > Printer language type > where it
gives you the options:

Postscript - level from driver
Postscript - level 1
Postscript - level 2
Postscript - level 3

And it is set to PDF by default. And the PDF option is broken - it does
not use the font metrics built into the font, so characters print as
though the font were a monospaced font. A word like "limit" comes out
looking a bit like "l i mi t" (except that the second i is actually
smashed into the m). Otherwise the printing is fine. And it uses the
font metrics correctly if I manually select Postscript - level from
driver, or Postscript level 1 or 2. It's just that the option is buried
several clicks deep in the Print dialog box and I keep forgetting to
change it from the default "PDF." Also, it does this with all fonts.

I don't know why there is a "PDF" option in the Device tab, because
only a handful of very expensive late model high end printers actually
have the new Adobe PDF print engine built in. I'm talking printers
costing $5,000 and up.

If I write the document with Abiword, Kword, or any other word
processor, it prints fine just by clicking the Print button.

I wish I could post screen shots of the Device tab in the Print dialog
box so you could see exactly what I am talking about. Even better would
be if I could add screen shots of the Print dialog box from OOo where
this problem did not exist. But OOo is not currently installed on my
computer, having switched to Libreoffice after upgrading from Fedora 14
to Fedora 16.

I just need to find a setting to change the default from "PDF" to
"Postscript - level from driver" or "Postscript - level 2." It would be
OK if Libreoffice would just remember the setting from last time I
printed, but with each new document it has to be set again. If it's
hard coded I'm probably going to have to uninstall Libreoffice and go
back to OOo because I'm tired of wasting time, paper and toner every
time I forget to change it.

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