On Tue, 24 Jan 2012 13:08:16 -0500
"Don C. Myers" <donmy...@myersfarm.com> dijo:

>I have been following this thread, and quite honestly, I have never
>seen this issue. I've been using LibreOffice since the first 3.3.x
>version, through all of the updates to presently 3.4.5. I have it on
>at least 9 machines. All of the machines have been upgraded through
>Ubuntu 10.10. 11.04, and presently 11.10. I always run the version
>directly downloaded from LibreOffice, and not the repository version
>from Ubuntu. In all versions of LibreOffice on all versions of Ubuntu
>listed above. when I click print, the default printer for the system
>is always selected. None of these machines are networked together.
>They are in 5 different physical locations. On the main tool bar in
>LibreOffice, I always replace the Print File Directly icon with the
>Print File icon. That is just my preference. When I click the Print
>icon, whatever printer is the default on that particular system always
>shows as the default printer that LibreOffice will print to. In Ubuntu
>11.04 and 11.10 I am using the Unity desktop. The only thing I can
>think of is there is some sort of a conflict between Fedora 16 and
>LibreOffice that is preventing the default printer for your system
>from being the default for LibreOffice.
>On 01/24/2012 12:30 PM, John Jason Jordan wrote:
>> On Tue, 24 Jan 2012 11:05:19 -0500
>> webmaster for Kracked Press Productions<webmas...@krackedpress.com>
>> dijo:
>>> I am sorry you are not getting any help.  I wonder it it is an
>>> isolated issue for Fedora 16.  If people have not see this happen
>>> before, it is hard to figure out what is causing it.
>>> So is there any issues with printing/exporting the file to PDF then
>>> printing it out to your printer?   Do your file require Postscript
>>> printing instead of HP default printer language?
>> Exporting to PDF and then printing with Okular, Evince, Adobe Reader,
>> or other PDF viewers works fine. But that is more work than just
>> clicking the Print button, or even wading through the Print dialog
>> box tabs and menus to change the default behavior.
>> The problem is that there is a new "PDF" setting in the print dialog
>> box. It used to be on OOo that the default was to use whatever print
>> options were set according to the driver you selected in CUPS
>> (Postscript, Gutenprint, PCL, etc.). Now you have to go into General
>> tab>  Properties>  Device>  tab>  Printer language type>  where it
>> gives you the options:
>> *PDF
>> Postscript - level from driver
>> Postscript - level 1
>> Postscript - level 2
>> Postscript - level 3
>> And it is set to PDF by default. And the PDF option is broken - it
>> does not use the font metrics built into the font, so characters
>> print as though the font were a monospaced font. A word like "limit"
>> comes out looking a bit like "l i mi t" (except that the second i is
>> actually smashed into the m). Otherwise the printing is fine. And it
>> uses the font metrics correctly if I manually select Postscript -
>> level from driver, or Postscript level 1 or 2. It's just that the
>> option is buried several clicks deep in the Print dialog box and I
>> keep forgetting to change it from the default "PDF." Also, it does
>> this with all fonts.
>> I don't know why there is a "PDF" option in the Device tab, because
>> only a handful of very expensive late model high end printers
>> actually have the new Adobe PDF print engine built in. I'm talking
>> printers costing $5,000 and up.
>> If I write the document with Abiword, Kword, or any other word
>> processor, it prints fine just by clicking the Print button.
>> I wish I could post screen shots of the Device tab in the Print
>> dialog box so you could see exactly what I am talking about. Even
>> better would be if I could add screen shots of the Print dialog box
>> from OOo where this problem did not exist. But OOo is not currently
>> installed on my computer, having switched to Libreoffice after
>> upgrading from Fedora 14 to Fedora 16.
>> I just need to find a setting to change the default from "PDF" to
>> "Postscript - level from driver" or "Postscript - level 2." It would
>> be OK if Libreoffice would just remember the setting from last time I
>> printed, but with each new document it has to be set again. If it's
>> hard coded I'm probably going to have to uninstall Libreoffice and go
>> back to OOo because I'm tired of wasting time, paper and toner every
>> time I forget to change it.

I guess I still haven't made it clear. 

Libreoffice DOES automatically select the printer which is set as the
default in CUPS, which is a Laserjet 4M+. That is not the problem.

The incorrect default setting is deep in the Print dialog box, not in
the first window that opens when you select File > Print or do Ctrl-p.
To see what I am talking about open the Print dialog box, which
will open displaying the General tab, then click on the Properties buton
(for the printer). This will open a child window with the default tab
"Paper" selected. Click on the "Device" tab, and then on the "Printer
language tab" button. That is where I see it set to PDF by default. I
have to change it to one of the Postscript options to get correct

Sorry for the confusion. :(

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