Thank you Tom.  I should have been precise.  For grandmas the confusing
items aren't old folders, but menu shortcut icons.

The previous user ran some OOo uninstaller or Windows stock app remover
(I guess), but it didn't wipe menu shortcuts.  When grandma clicks them
they do exactly nothing.  In cases of remote field support I just do not
want grandma playing with her Start menu!  Too much margin for error
even for simple icon deletion.  She's as likely to delete the whole
menu.  I was hoping for a web page to explain to grandma how to delete
OOo icons and other stray stuff.

My tips to LibreOffice.

1. A web page for "Total OOo Uninstall," not just LibreOffice Install.

2. The LibreOffice Install web pages both advise and link to it.

2. Some kind of script to implement the instructions?  It hunts for the
usual suspects like old OOo icons and autodeletes or presents removal

Myself, I *do not* want old OOo user prefs imported, but others may.

Windows has apps like Total Uninstall (Google it).  That's the goal post
to me.

Thanks again!

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