On 6/28/12 11:42 PM, Andreas Säger wrote:

Like any other programming language Calc can nest functions as far as
the data types of the incoming parameters match the data types of the
nested function results. The details are mostly the same as with any
other spreadsheet program of the past 30 years with the only exception
that there is no boolean data type. TRUE equals 1, FALSE equals 0
without any conversion.

A Calc cell can have a number, text, blank and error. All constants are
number or text, a formula may return number, text or error.

=FUNCTION(number ; text ; range ; vector )

*should* be nested like this:

=FUNCTION( function_number(x) ; function_text(x) ; function_range(x) ; 
function_vector(x) )

[a vector is a range made of a single row or column. Sometimes this
shape is required]

The function wizard can be of great help when composing nested functions.

Personally, I avoid deeply nested function calls. They are much harder
to maintain and debug.

Apart from the functions of category "Text" all spreadsheet functions
return numbers.
Functions of category "Spreadsheet" return references to other cells.

I *think* I follow most of that.   LOL

I did finally get the cells to do what I wanted, I think as I've not tested fully yet. But, the documentation or the Function Wizard wasn't much help, as there are no examples of actually what the input should look like. Even got an error code that's not in the documentation. And even with the text for the error code, nothing explains what the text for the error code means.

I just kept trying different things until it worked!    LOL

Am 29.06.2012 04:04, Ken Springer wrote:

I rarely use spreadsheets, as doing mathematical calculations are rare
for me.  Many use spreadsheets for databases, but I would use a
database.  And probably not LO Base, as there was something written
about Base in this list I couldn't believe was true, but sadly, I'm not
sure what that was.   LOL, CRS!

Base is not a database. Please feel free to use your preferred
connectable database and connect it with a Base document in order to use
it in the context of this office suite. I do so successfully since many
years (OOo 1.1) within the limits of this very simple tool set. A decent
database is not exclusively bound to one particular front-end.

And this is far more sophisticated that what I'm usually looking for. It just seems that most databases out there are very sophisticated and potentially complicated for the average person, so they use spreadsheets and developers wonder why. :-)

So many of the database apps and front ends amount to a Mack truck, when all the average user needs is a compact pickup! LOL


Mac OS X 10.6.8
Firefox 13.0.1
Thunderbird 13.0.1

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