Am 04.07.2012 17:42, Ken Springer wrote:

For the ordinary user, not only does LO need to explain the basics by
using "=FUNCTION(number ; text ; range ; vector )" and "=FUNCTION(
function_number(x) ; function_text(x) ; function_range(x) ;
function_vector(x) )" with explanations, you need examples that use real
references from a sample spreadsheet, like "=IF(C49="Y",O49,"")".  This
way the ordinary user sees an example of how to actually enter the
formula with proper formatting.

I know this is not a simple or easy task.  I've written instructions for

All this had been written hundreds of times for dozends of spreadsheets applications in books, web-pages, mailing lists and forums. People don't read this. They want to have it explained for the exact problem they struggle with *right now* without ever telling any details about their problem. People want computers they can talk to and the machine resolves all the contradictions, completes missing information before it spills out the correct solution. Since today's machines fail at fuzzy logic, they try to find some human to resolve and complete or even better: write a macro program so a single click substitutes 5 clicks.

IF function with example:

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