Hi, Andreas,

On 6/30/12 2:25 AM, Andreas Säger wrote:

There is no way to help further without a single formula nor data. I
have no idea what your problem is.
Like in any programming language un-nesting is a good way to debug
steps. Threre are a billion of cells on each sheet. Use as many as
possible and things will clear up.

After reading your other new replies, I'm wondering if the way I wrote my posts led you to some wrong conclusions. Possibly, it came out sounding more complicated than the problem really was, as I did get it solved.

It wasn't the logic or the functions that needed to be used that was my problem, that was easy. :-)

It was the actual formatting of the functions in the cell that was the problem. Do I need parens here? Should there be a space and capitals? How are the functions I need supposed to be entered, as a group, into the cell? Should these two functions be grouped in parens?

I think I said in another post, I even had an error code pop up that's not in the documentation that is currently available.

But, the formatting is solved, and all is well.  :-)

Thanks for the replies.


Mac OS X 10.6.8
Firefox 13.0.1
Thunderbird 13.0.1

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