Hi :)
People like to feel special and feel they have earned a reward.  So, discounts 
work better than just being free.  After all if it's free it's not worth 
anything and if it's not worth anything then is it really worth having at all?  

Also if it was free that that just shows how highly my boss/company/whoever 
values me.  ie they don't value me at all.  That is why employees given a new 
Mac have a boost in productivity even on top of the productivity they get for 
using a safer system where everything works without having to tinker with it.  

A lot of the discounted stuff is about to become legacy by the end of this 
month as various new releases happen.  I smugly pointed out to my boss that he 
bought MSO 2010 just in time because it's not likely to be available soon 
because the new one is due out any day and we might have missed the chance to 
even try 2010 at all if the hadn't spent the money when they did.  

I just feel really smug and clever because while everyone else keeps having 
problems with the various things they or the company have bought i just keep 
getting on with what i want and help them fix theirs.
Regards from
Tom :)  

> From: Gordon Burgess-Parker <gbpli...@gmail.com>
>To: users@global.libreoffice.org 
>Sent: Thursday, 11 October 2012, 17:21
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] MS problems
>On 06/10/12 20:49, Wolfgang Keller wrote:
>> That's what I call ignorance. Ignorance plus unwillingness to inform oneself 
>> to remedy that ignorance equals idiocy. I don't have anything against 
>> idiots, as long as they don't impose their idiocy onto me. 
>I'm not sure you can blame it on ignorance. Most home users if not SOHO users 
>go to one of the large retail outlets to buy their computers. What do you see 
>in those stores? Row upon row of boxes of MS Office. Nothing else. And why 
>would there be?
>And presumably MS give some sort of "incentive" for OEM vendors to include a 
>trial version of MS Office on most new computers which now turns into an 
>adware version of Office if you don't pay for it. Most home users don't need 
>anything else so why should they even bother to look for alternatives?
>> IT departments, just like "managers" "choose" (in fact, they don't
>> choose at all) MS because it's not them who have to do the actual
>> work, so they can't have a clue. And because they're too lazy and
>> ignorant to get some input from the information workers who have to do
>> the actual work.
>I would dispute that as well. Most IT depts choose MS because that';s what 
>they have passed exams in and know.
>And how many of the workers know about alternatives? Not many I'll bet. MS 
>Office has been so overwhelmingly pervading in commercial organisations for so 
>many years now that it is embedded in the corporate consciousness.
>I saw this website yesterday http://home.techsoup.org/pages/default.aspx that 
>is supposed to assist Not for Profit organisations (charities) and schools get 
>discounted software. Not a MENTION of open source on their website at all. It 
>was ALL proprietary.
>>> Keep in mind that introduction of an alternative suit requires a lot
>>> of testing in an IT department. The suit must be stable and keep
>>> productivity high.
>> With MS products, user productivity will be minimised compared to all
>> available alternatives.
>>   Sincerely,
>> Wolfgang
>Registered Linux User no 240308
>GBP's alternative computing:http://gbplinuxfoss.blogspot.com/  Say No to 
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