so true.

On Sat, Oct 6, 2012 at 2:57 AM, Dr. R. O Stapf <>wrote:

I think the market share of MSO has nothing to do with the users being
> idiots or not. The 90% share is caused by 3 things
> 1 - When you buy a PC you often get the MSO already pre-installed
> 2 - Not many people know about alternatives. I only learned about OO and
> LO from my brother who is a IT wizard. While talking to people about me
> utilization of LO I am always experiencing that almost  all people do not
> know about OO or LO or other packages.
> 3 - Many IT departments in companies choose MSO because it is easily
> available and they consider the support as good. Keep in mind that
> introduction of an alternative suit requires a lot of testing in an IT
> department. The suit must be stable and keep productivity high.
> If my above statements are wrong, then I am happy because I converted from
> MSO to LO, thus from an idiot to something else...
> On 2012-10-06 01:12, Wolfgang Keller wrote:
>> If MSO is a 90% market leader all its users cannot be complete idiots.

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