For me dealing with an extension, installing it, making sure it doesn't 
conflict with something else was more effort than creating a column, using 
Value() and then pasting special. 

What's a problem is that in Excel even though it also uses the leading ' to 
format text as numbers, if you change the format of a cell the conversions 
happen without any problems. I want that same behavior in Calc because to me it 
makes sense that the cell format should be the controlling factor for what type 
of data is in a given cell. 

On Nov 10, 2013, at 7:43 PM, Joel Madero wrote:

> Why is everyone straying away from the fact that there is a simple extension 
> developed by Cor (one of our brilliant devs) which accomplishes all of this? 
> Just curious if there's a benefit to doing these formula techniques instead 
> of just pushing a button on a nice gui

Eugenie (Oogie) McGuire 
Desert Weyr  
Paonia, CO USA

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