Ken Springer <> wrote:.
>On 11/10/13 9:11 PM, Ady wrote:
>> There are many ways for users to communicate: LibreOffice forum, Ask
>> LibreOffice, several LibreOffice mailing lists, Nabble, wiki,
>> Bugzilla, and several irc channels. The problem is, IMHO, they are
>> sometimes "too many" and "too complicated". Let me explain with a
>> simple example.
>And I would add, unknown to many users, including myself.  I don't have
>the time to deal with the few newsgroups I try to follow now, much less
>spending a lot of time on LO's website, and then learning how to use
>the different venues.
>I will give LO kudos for apparently having the content of Nabble and
>the mailing list being identical.  At least I believe it's identical.  But 
>LO falls a little bit short in not being able to attach documents, 
>screenshots, etc. via the mailing list when you use  If 
>that's a gmane issue, then that's the way it is, especially if you've 
>requested that ability.

I have found that mailing lists frequently strip all attachments. It is 
recommended instead to post the file on the web instead and incorporate a link 
to it in your eMail.

>I prefer a newsgroup reader to any of the varied forum formats, which
>is why I use gmane.  To me, Nabble is a forum.  But it is better than most 
>because there is a threaded view.  Even at that, it's not as efficient 
>and quick as using a newsgroup reader.  The display takes too much
>space for the information displayed, and of course, much slower from what
>I've experienced.

Pardon my ignorance. I don't even know what Nabble or gmane are. If they are 
"social media" then this old geezer doesn't participate and that's by choice. 
Mailing lists, product specific forums, and even (to a limited extent) IRC 
channels are fine.

>> In the release notes for LO 4.1.3, it said that the release was bit
>> by bit the same as "RC3". Well, that was incorrect, as it is the same
>> as, a.k.a. RC2 (there was no What a casual reader
>> needs to do if he happens to catch the "typo"? Can he easily report
>> the one-character mistake? Does anyone think that this typo deserves
>> opening a new bug report in Bugzilla?

I shudder at the thought.

>I've not found Bugzilla to be user friendly for the average user. 
>Period.  If it's not user friendly for the average user, that user is 
>going to walk away with a negative impression.

Hear, hear! 

>> For each contact method mentioned above (each ML, Nabble, wiki,
>> Bugzilla, forum,...), a user needs to go through an additional sign
>> up, sometimes requiring multiple steps. In our example (RC3 typo), do
>> you think a casual reader would go through a sign up process just to
>> report one wrong character?

I hope that one can access these communication channels "read only" without a 

>> Just as an example, I am subscribed to the users ML, and I found
>> annoying to go through additional sign-ups for Nabble. I can
>> understand that there might be relevant reasons for this; but it is
>> still annoying :). On the other hand, if a user is interested in
>> Writer only, having to receive emails regarding Draw (or anything
>> else than Writer) is one reason not to subscribe to the users ML. So
>> perhaps separated per-program lists should be available, instead of
>> one unified "users" ML? (I am not necessarily recommending it; just
>> mentioning such potential situation.)

Unfortunately users frequently don't know where to post a question or 
observation about a particular LO component. Also, some topics apply to the LO 
framework or to more than one LO component.

>Add my support to that suggestion.  I get tired of having to deal with 
>Base issues, since I don't use Base.

OTOH I find it educational to see how others are using LO components that I'm 
not using.

>> Then we have several irc channels, but none of those channels
>> targeted to users are really active, ever (e.g. #libreoffice and/or
>> #libreoffice-qa). So what's the point of publishing the "existence"
>> of those irc channels if they are not really open with someone from
>> the LibreOffice Team being present in the channel? I'm not saying
>> answers should be "on real time". For irc to be relevant for users,
>> someone at least should maintain the channel open and saving logs,
>> checking it once a day or so. This is one contact method that could
>> be easily used to report the typo mentioned in our example.

A very salient point. Someone should indeed monitor the IRC(s) and be an 
interface to/from the developers. Actually, an IRC is very much a realtime 
communication channel but you are suggesting using it as a minor issue drop 
box. That's an interesting concept. 

>> One day is one typo, another day is another typo. Then there is some
>> minor low-priority bug in the installer (e.g adding a link to the
>> desktop even when the user unchecked the corresponding box during the
>> installation process). Then the wiki might need some little
>> correction or update... For each minor issue, a user could just think
>> "not worth going through all the sign up troubles for each different
>> service". As a consequence, none of those little corrections are
>> reported / performed.
>> What's the point of "Ask LibreOffice" if each question is seen, say,
>> 3 times in a one week period? Most questions are unanswered.
>> Similarly with LibreOffice forum. A user might not bother to sign up
>> to such a method that is hardly ever used by relevant users; and if
>> it goes through it anyway and no answer is provided (as it is the
>> case with most "Ask LibreOffice" topics), it would probably generate
>> a rejection response towards LibreOffice.

What is "Ask LibreOffice?" How is it accessed?

>Regarding the previous 3 paragraphs:
>irc channels, most people have never heard of them.  The same for ICQ. 

ICQ? I'm part of the uninformed crowd.

>So they don't know how to use them.  I use Skype and Yahoo Messenger. 

Skype — VOIP?
Yahoo Messenger — no clue.

>And I started using them because I was given the information those 
>systems existed.  No software package has ever told me "You can get
>help using the irc channels, and this is how you use them."
>Same for wikis and "Ask LIbreOffice".  I didn't know "Ask LibreOffice" 
>even existed until your message.  I, and the people I know, don't live 
>on LO, their smartphones, tablets, living their lives there.  The 
>computer is a tool, not a virtual reality to live in.
>I think every download package should include some kind of messaging of
>how and where to get help via some kind of splash screen (or something 
>similar) letting new users know of these help options, and how to get
>to them.

Are the support channels listed via a menu entry such as Help->Support? I'm not 
currently at a computer so I can't check. 

>> If a user signs up and opens a bug report, that's because it is
>> significant for him. Is this procedure relevant if the bug report is
>> left unanswered for 2 years? Is this user going to keep reporting
>> additional bugs? Evidently, solving bugs requires man power, so
>> finding a simpler method to report "you have a st*pid typo" might
>> help reduce wasted time, for both developers and users.

Very true. It might even be a stepping stone for getting new people involved in 
the process of providing support for others. I know that I would gladly perform 
proof reading and editing support functions if I only knew where to go. I would 
even be willing to endure a moderately tortuous registration process to get 
started with this support functionality.

>> So, making the contact methods more relevant, easier (unified?) sign
>> up procedures and actually maintaining "active" and relevant the
>> different contact channels would contribute to receive more feedback
>> and eventually reduce wasted time.
>I would add, if  there are more than one channel that supports users, 
>like this mailing list, the contents should be spread across all the 
>channels.  Then it doesn't matter which method of support is desired by
>the user, the user has access to all possible support answers from 
>individuals, and the same question is less likely to be asked multiple 
>> I am writing not to complain, but to voice my personal view of some
>> of the ways to improve user's involvement in LibreOffice. I admit I
>> am not sure if any of these changes would be the most effective use
>> of man-power, so I'm not going to call these "recommendations". These
>> might be potential considerations for potential improvements. Whether
>> they are _effective_ use of man-power, I don't really know.

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