On 04/16/2014 03:19 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
Nice! :)  I wonder if you can reconfigure the
Ctrl B
combo to apply the relevant style instead of just making it bold temporarily?
Regards from
Tom :)

Yes, you can, but I found you don't want to.

In the Tools/Customize dialogs, you can assign any style to a keystroke combination. I tried it by reassigning Ctrl-B to the Strong Emphasis character style and Ctrl-I to the Emphasis style. But, unlike the direct formatting commands, these don't *toggle* the attribute. So, if while typing, I hit Ctrl-B, then everything after it applies the Strong Emphasis character style. If I hit Ctrl-B again, it *doesn't* turn it off. So, I reassigned those keystrokes to their toggled effects.

Instead, I assigned Alt-B and Alt-I to the respective character styles. Then, I assigned Alt-D to the "Default" character style. Now, I can apply the desired style quickly while typing without altering the default behavior of the program for those times when I might need it.


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