Is there any movement to make a port for LO to Chrome OS?

I ask this, since today I had to setup a Samsung Chrome 11.5 inch display mini-laptop device [and a wireless router for it since there is no wired network port]. She use to have LO on her old Win7 laptop that has some broken function keys, and some sales person convinced her to use a Chrome Book. She did not know it was not a Windows OS laptop. No LO, no Canon printer, nothing except her web-mail account[s] and Chrome browser. [which she never used before]

So I ask if there is any movement towards making a Chrome OS port.

Actually this Samsung Chrome uses a microSD card for "some" storage. I cannot tell much about it, since I do not have access to the manual. So the version of LO would need to fit on a microSD card storage, like a tablet, but it is not a tablet. This is really a really small net-book like device running Chrome OS.

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