On 01/15/2015 02:11 PM, Jim Byrnes wrote:
On 01/15/2015 12:07 PM, dave boland wrote:
The problem with gmane.org is that I can't seem to append to a thread.
I can follow the thread, so it is somewhat helpful.

What are you using to access gmane?  It probably relates more to what
you are using to access gmane than gmane itself.

I use Thunderbird. Once I subscribe to a group on gmane it asks me how
many messages to download and marks the remaining as read.  Once
downloaded I can choose what I want to view, all msgs, just unread msgs
or threads with unread msgs, plus some others I don't use. If I want to
respond to a msg I can choose "followup" which sends the reply to the
group or "replY" which sends it to the message's author.

What is easy and convenient?  I thought I answered that.  Quick to do,
no reistration, no passwords, able to see the appends in a thred like
newsgroups do, the abbility to append to a thread.  I have lost track of
all the user id's and passwords for support web sites.  I just won't use
them any longer.

I think gmane with the right reader will do all of these.

So if the LO team can make facebook easy to find relevant info, quick to
use, intuitive, no passwords or registration, then go for it. If on the
other hand they are just following the latest thing, then forget it.  In
the end, the support solution needs to fit the users needs, not just be

I agree.  If facebook and twitter where the only options I would be far
out of date with what is happening with LO.

Regards,  Jim

Hopefully the chantges you suggested work.


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